Dead by Daylight

Do you even play dbd? BT is a perk. By default, not everybody you face will have that perk equipped. In fact, quite a few people don’t play with BT for whatever reason, despite the fact that it’s quite good. Jsyk it’s not ‘base kit’ either, you can only access it if you bought Bill.

Old bt is base kit

Old bt gave endurance when unhooked (within the terror radius and the survivor has it)

Now everyone gains endurance when unhooked, hence bt is base kit

New bt increases that duration

Well fuck, I hadn’t noticed that lol
Shows you how much camping I do XD

Yes and? That’s what I said.

Yes, do you?

Never said it was meta but it still happens a lot in pubs.

Wait, what’s being discussed?

I don’t even know anymore


You were making it out as if all knight is good for/would be used for is camping, which is not the case.

Well, excUUUUUUUSE ME, princess. We can’t all be asked reading the patch notes, and camping is something I literally never do, so i had no idea that they’d added endurance on unhook XD

Not terribly often, and as I said, even a salty person will only camp you if you’ve ticked them off.

No I said the way he currently is basically a shittier bubba since he can camp really well and in my experience more than half of all the knights I’ve played against have done this. There were a few who would place their goons in good places but whenever they tried strategically placing them, the others and I would see the trail and we’d just run to the next loop.

K, and?

So when the match just starts and the killer takes one of my teammates off a gen then hooks and camps at 5 gens, what did they do to piss them off that bad? People will do stupid shit all the time. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it ain’t happening frequently else they never would have made BT basekit.

Someone here hasn’t played DBD in the past 4 months and it shows…

The meta is different now bruh

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Well then bad luck, cos maybe 3 of the knights I’ve gone up against (outta about 12, 13 maybe) have camped. With reguards to the hold-W counter, the solution is to cross both loops with one patrol, survivors generally see the trail and panic into the next tile. However, through the power of ears, you can easily guess where an injured survivor is going and cut them off. And yes, I just turned an argument into gameplay tips lol

AND, it’s beginning to look more like a skill issue. Whether yours or the people you play against, I can’t tell.

Fair enough, but when does this ever happen? I seriously doubt that you’re running into camping assholes every other game (which is what you’re alluding to) unless you have some seriously shit luck. Did you, like, rearend a truck full of black cats and mirrors or some shit?

Yeh, the new meta is camping apparently XD
I’d like to point out that the reason I’ve never noticed the endurance-on-unhook is because I DON’T FUCKING CAMP, simpleton.

smiles in spirit main

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Can confirm. Knight players camp.

Noted, don’t really have any problems going against them though so your tips are pretty useless here.

How is me pointing out that Knights camp a skill issue? Seems to me like you like the character and are annoyed that somebody is calling out behaviors of people using that character a certain way.

Quite a lot actually, again see my point earlier about the reason why base kit BT was added. If this wasn’t happening frequently then it wouldn’t have been changed, just like how they’re thinking of making base kit unbreakable for survivors to counter killers that slug and leave everyone to bleed out.

Saw a mysterious tumbleweed once in December a few years back that by all rights should not have been there. Ever since that day my life has been a never-ending string of bad luck.

Can confirm. DbD players camp lol

Gee, no shit, sherlock.
This was obvious from the start, idiot XD
I DO like the character, and yes I’m pissed that you’re calling out behaviours of people using the character, because you are making it out as if this is the sum total of said characters usefulness, or somehow it’s fault. Saying most knight players just use it for camping is like saying most Germans are Nazis, it’s just not correct lol

Darn tumbleweeds…

Well tough tits dumbfuck, get triggered at those fuckers not me for dragging the killers name in the mud. I like bubba and he’s a great killer but people mainly camp with him, doesn’t mean he’s bad just that people are c.unts.

Not saying most of all knights you brain dead syphilitic walrus, just the ones that I’ve gone up against. Stop being triggered for 5 seconds and read.

I don’t give a shit what your brain is saying, you fish-fucking imbred orangutan, because I can’t read fucking thoughts over the internet. Your words have said words to the effect of “most knight players just use it to camp, and the character is just a shittier cannibal”. This still isn’t correct, btw, unless America or wherever you play is just filled to the brim with fuckstain DbD players.

And ffs, yes, obviously you’re just talking about the ones you’ve gone up against, you moron. There was no doubt about that, just as there’s no doubt about me talking about the ones I’ve gone up against, because we have no other sphere of reference, do we? What I’m saying is, it’s incorrect to make a generalisation based on your small sample of games with a quite new addition to the set, unless you’ve played survivor non-stop for the last 3 weeks, which I doubt.

Yeah about that. In almost every game, nothist dbd, characters are tend to be played the same exact way.

And knight has it good for camping.

Example in dbd. Every wraith is a fucking kunt.

People arent as different as you’re making it out to be.

In conclusion, your brain is worthless since cant pick up on simple shit like this.

Also @REYNOSO_FUA11 is a bitch.