Dead by Daylight

And I don’t really give a shit what you say since you already said you’re up in your feelings because I apparently disrespected the character you like you buck toothed smooth brain koala. I play with people from across the pond as it were and on their servers it’s still the same thing, nearly every knight does the same thing. Hook one person and then camp with a goon.

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Fuck you bitch, you ain’t shit. I hope Bravo stays ducking his taco on Destiny 2 so you stay mad.

You have to sometimes so that 4th survivor doesn’t get hatch.

Pfft @not-bot-bravo is bitch anyway, so I know he wont.

But definitely fuck that guy @Forever_Mello


That’s it. 1v1 on Sex Chess 3D.


Followed by Sex with Hitler 3D, now that’s a real man’s game.

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Understandable but that’s if you’re planning on hooking everyone or the fourth is in your line of sight and not hiding somewhere across the map.

There’s killers out there that’ll just slug everyone and wait until they all bleed out, which unless they were being real cocky dickheads then I just don’t see the point.

If they had a race while slugged then I could understand it, like first to crawl to this hook gets to live. Something to keep the game fun.

That mello guy is always screwing me over, leading the killers to me, failing gens, stabbing me when all he had to do was wave magic hands above my back. Terrible, terrible person that guy.


Hes not as bad as @TheSenate

Hes an extreme piece of shit

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Oh yeah, a real steamer that one.

Bruh where do you live lol
Honest-to-god, the players I deal with are mega dumb-dumb, but they generally aint assholes. You’ll only get a toxic guy every other week, if you’re lucky.

I agree. Also if we’re being honest, the meta for camping (or something like it) is really just speed billy with BBQ on coldwind…

Well fuck you, you incest-driven drainpipe-enema-enjoying homunculus, because your whole ‘I’m not triggered’ act is quite terrible. Reguardless, you must be playing with fucking londoners, because we don’t get none of that shit up here and people acutally know how to play the fucking game.

It’s just the wraith. 100% kunt rate.


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But I’m not triggered, you delusional buck toothed hermaphroditic ostrich. I called out a thing and you’ve been bitching ever since.

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You are triggered tho, you fuckwitted right-wing dried-out sperm cell, otherwise you wouldn’t be calling me a “delusional buck toothed hermaphroditic ostrich” because I disputed your point lol
Takes one constant bitcher to know another, y’know what I’m saying?

Srsly tho, where do you get most of your matches from? Idk about you guys but I love triggering toxic people lol
It’s just about my favorite pastime, besides drinking and DbD.

Dude go on with that gay shit calling everything toxic in games. That’s some sensitive gen z bull shit.

And it’s just that the wraith players are too desperate to win. Like it’s pretty lame. So they play like kunts.
Not toxic just lame.

I mean he told you how shit was and then you were the one who got all angry first.

This is on you.
But I know this. Cause you love to talk shit lol.
So does he.
So fight for my amusement.

Also fuck you rey.

You haven’t though, you’ve just been bitching nonstop. I said my point and you stay bitching. Don’t know what else to tell you guy.

Kys, I ain’t gonna continue this for you, if he wants to stay in his feelings then that’s on him.