Nothing says more like kissing ass than your comment lol, hes a cheat and hes been exposed the fact you say you’ve not been beaten in 2 weeks as shown everyone how full of shit you really are. lmfao cringey bastard whats danimate done private message you to chat this shit lol.
Deanimate, cheating of note
you can key bind switching back to the previous weapon by default (even as pred), you can key bind every weapon as ft only. the time to change weapon doesn’t get affected by either.
And then there’s the fact that a pred can not actually change weapons to any energy consuming weapon when overloaded (I’m not talking about firing just about switching to the weapon).
but ft can change from a pistol to a minigun with backpack mounted ammo, even while exhausted, in less time than a pred can change from a wrist mounted (so doesn’t need to be equiped), weapon to a melee weapon carried on his belt…
if the macro doesn’t affect the game play (such as f spam macros and fire macros which are both available to any PS4 player with a programmable controller or interface dongle and both are pure FT advantage macros), how is it a problem?
PS4 players can use macros the same as everyone else…
Why is it that it’s a problem when PC players do?
(again I’m talking non game breaking macros, insta fire and f spam are game breaking and I do not support or use them)
I’m going to assume you are trolling, but for the record I will explain it in case you are serious. “macros” is plural for “macro”, I’m guessing you are thinking it should be spelt “macro’s”, but that is either a possessive pronoun (implying that the macro owns something). Or a compound verb (macro is = macro’s), implying that the macro is doing something.
In this instance I’m using it in the plural form “macros”, meaning more than one.
Let me break it all down:
That players has many macros. I can’t believe that last macro’s power. That macro’s making him unbeatable.
I haven’t been beaten in two weeks as FT. Yesterday came fucking close. If you think I’m bullshitting you. Why not add me on Epic (same name) and you challenge us one time. If I beat you, I don’t ever wanna hear your nonsense again.
i just want to tell you
you actually can cancel it it says so in predator tips in the extra menu if you are shot during the leap slam animation (when the wrist computer is glowing) it cancels the slam albeit it is very hard to do this due to the speed of the leap but in my time playing it has happened to me 2 times
you can cancel the slam up until you impact, but then it cancels the slam. That’s not what the bug is about
no he mentioned that it isn’t possible to cancel the slam as the fireteam when it is
i don’t mean canceling it from the predator side
Bro he won’t challenge you, go look at the @DeadEyeBuddha thread. I’ve been calling this piece of shit out and he makes excuses rather than back up the bullshit falling out of his suck hole.
Yes, you can be shot out of a slam, out of the 700-750 games I have played as Pred, it’s only happened once, and it was an AI that did it🤣
also buddha is a PS4 player who according to another thread uninstalled the game so you can’t challenge him anymore sadly
He’d make excuses why he won’t play you while continuing to tell you how “good” he is.
Oh, then you are correct.
Shooting pred mid slam (as long as he as activated it when you shoot), disables it.
The issue is that you can activate at the last second.
(i’m pred main not FT).
This is a mechanic that is both broken and useless and shouldn’t be in game.
Broken and useless because unless the slam is activated from initial leap chances are ft can not interrupt.
Shouldn’t be in the game beacuse it makes no sense. if you can’t down someone with a baseball bat before the bat hits your head…
Lol 2 weeks unbeaten lmfao, do i look stupid to you lol.
you look stupid to the entire community. Not just him
I would need to test this but I’m fairly sure that if pred takes enough damage during the leap it doesn’t matter if he has activated the slam or not, he will not be able to use it.
Hello you little bum sniffing bitch lol i see you still sucking dick lmfao
I’ve only had it happen once, so can’t confirm either.
But when it did I was cocky and activated from launch.