Defeating good FTs

That’s usually what the fourth potato (if randos) is for. Anybody can do the mission, that’s the easiest thing. I need to get better at tracking and engaging the Pred, so I follow them.

Plus it’s fun to bully the pred. At this point I just go balls deep into how broken the game

How would you rate him on a scale of 1 to 10?

there is no such thing! ilfonic has not yet created the predator that can beat good (macros, hackers)

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he is the worst game in the predator range. I made a website and I do anti advertising. this game is broken.

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I knew you weren’t dead.

I think he was banned and was just waiting for that countdown to hit zero so he could come back here to shit on @Scarface_1983. It’s his favorite hobby.


You’d be surprised how many times I’ve ran with teams that are right next to the mission and don’t do sh%t!! They don’t shoot the Pred and they don’t do mission, they just stand in a corner of a building, hoping the rest of the team to successfully do the rest.

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Oh I know it. Its what I hate about pubs the most. Occasionally you’ll get either really good or decent people, but mostly its tater town.


Why at night? I would assume because you can use plasma more effectively with her.

Use exploits modifiers, the scummiest playing tactics and the disk… and maybe you’ll win.

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TBF there are certain scenarios that not even people like Dan, Samhain, Beer, etc. will win even against a not that good FT premade (people like me, chopra, vex, etc.)

all we have to do (though we never do it, cause we know how cheap it is) is bring a 4 man support/dante FM combo with “infinite medkits” and if we get a night map and/or short mission, they will unlikely be able to win. We probably won’t kill the pred, but those builds can tank so much damage that even in the hands of potatoes they are a headache to deal with. With any decent team of players worth their salt, even the best preds will rarely win. We all know it and that’s why they are so highly criticized.

I still remember when specializations came out for FT. On the very first day we ran 4 support FM against dan, prozi, blade, and won every time, when we had never beaten them before. And that was before dante and the support 20% damage reduction bullshit.


I have a Hunter Stalker, and a Berserker Stalker. But I didn’t want to use them against these guys, if I’m going to beat them, its going to be fair, as fair as I can make it. I’m not good at disc, though, that might be half my problem.

Idk really. All he can use is grenades and AR at point blanc range

I have not seen his vids recently, but I’d say he’s good. Just not really good like bots or apples or top PC premades.

He’s not like a potato who runs xp perk but can’t contest with Apples etc no fuckin way lol

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don’t be fair. FT isn’t fair. Trust me any good FT won’t care about using exploits unless you are good enough to not need them.

I usually call out rules and/or use modifiers. The only one they don’t like (understandable) is the fully charge plasma/bow shots because yeah, I can beat them with that. LOL

Now on the stalker thing, I think scout stalker is better with downrange, modified reserve and dithered lens.


You think if he was put on your team, you’d lose because of him or win in spite of him.?

I wish I had gotten the Scout Stalker. My game glitched out some time after the second to last patch, and all my loadouts got reset, so I got some exploited loads. That might have helped a bit, but there’s still the issue of these guys and they’re near-hax aiming.

I’m not sure of any drama between players and personally idc, from my experience with JW he’s always been good to me and I think he’s an above average player. I’ve seen him shred some good players and yet I’ve also stomped him, basically the same logic that can be applied to nearly everyone in this community.