


Lol still fighting the good fight eh? I gotta ask tho, what made you want 3 swing kills? For pred melee.


3 swings so those smexy combo animations dont go to waste. Realisitcally though it could be even quicker and it would probably be for the better.

I realised that the biggest prob with predator other than his inability to not give himself away in cloak, is actually that even with the element of surprise, because the damage is so low he has to hit you 50 times to down you.

Pred needs to be able to down people fast, but die fast. that way he can jump in, secure a down, and jump out. He needs to be able to use that element of surprise, instead of being forced into a duel every time he wants to melee.

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And yes. still fighting the good fight. But Still not playing. its not worth playing. But honestly Ive gotten my moneys worth out of the forums.

Lol hopefully after a break you start having fun again.
I want to agree, but I feel this would be too much for randoms to handle, unless pred got his health lowered, but then ft would need to get nerfed.

It’s the pain in the ass to balance cause this would be perfect for full, good fts, but overkill for the average player.

I wish there wasnt such a huge gap.
I wish I knew what mechanic was missing that could help narrow the gap.

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Pred would get his health lowered. I did say that in the rework.

I hate to be that guy, but cross platform is why there is such an obscene gap. Plus the game isnt really that competitive anymore. its too exploitable. the good players arent playing anymore, and if they are they are probably farming privates. Realistically a game like this is going to always have really bad and really good players. it all depends.

I’m not including pc players in that. I’m talking about just on ps4. You got your average groups, and then the fts that murder a pred in 2 minutes.

The skill gap is fkn night and day lol.

Lol well as a PC player its definitely the crossplay. Because most of the scrubs are with u guys LOL

Considering pred cloak doesnt even work over there, it’s not surprising pc players have easier time. Plus theres the potato mode users lol.

A scrubs gonna be a scrub no matter what platform.
And same thing for good players.

If things worked properly than I’d include pc in this.

But even if we split up platforms, youd still have bad and good groups. PC isn’t going to magically make shitty players good.

You are correct, but because you have to build a pc for it to be decent, we dont get the braindeads like consoles do. We do still have bad players of course, but Im not talking about bad players. im talking about the absolute bots. they arent as frequent on pc, at least that ive seen. But damn if almost every match of crossplay with ps4 players isnt the equivalent to going into a private and stealth killing all the AI lol.

I apologize if thats offensive to PS4 players. you arent all bad, and my god those of you that are good can put up one hell of a fight even against pc. but the majority of the population you guys have is… quite the opposite.

That being said I wouldnt trade crossplay. Its not crossplays fault that there is such a heavy skill gap. its because the game is broken. Fixing it alone would tighten it alot I think. But im not sure.

Bro, I never blamed or said anything about crossplay tho.

You bought it up.
I dont blame or think crossplay is the reason for a huge skill gap.

Nevermind lol.

Yeah I did bring it up. What im saying is that it definitely doesnt help. But imo its A symptom, not the cause.

Sorry I should have made that clearer.

I need to do research.
I’d be more inclined if I knew illfonic would listen to me.

Theres a missing mechanic. I just dont know what.
Stealth would help alot, but its something else. UGH I JUST CANT PUT MY FINGER ON IT.

As for the whole crossplay thing tho, that’s a whole other issue. And that, I cant even begin to think of anything to help that.

Except fix cloak on pc.
Aside from that idk.

Keep bad ps4 players out of crossplay?
For their own good? Fk idk man lol.

ON TOPIC THO, the notes sound good lmao.

Sigh… it really does bother me that I feel there’s a mechanic missing in this game.

Maybe keeping the skulls of players you have killed as trophies. for flexing purposes. but you only get them from long claims.

That sounds cool, but in meant more combat mechanic.

I swear fucking shooters man. There so hard to add anything cool to them.
FUCK IT! Pred need bullet jumps, and ash’s ult from wf.

Maybe thats it tho.

More mobility for FT. Vaulting over shit and clambering instead of jumping, longer crouch slides. etc.

Well my only issue looking at it is if u reduce pred hp all ft guns need the same reduction in stats which takes us to no change at all
I don’t know if you know this but there are 4 guns in the game currently that kill the ZERKER In 3-4 seconds of sustained fire there are 4 dudes so if pred hp is reduced then I don’t think players would be too happy about jumping in a camp then dying in 2 secib4 he even saw the FT

Fire & Drakos can even attest as he has seen me do this to preds melee rn is COMPLETELY unviable w/o netgun for constantly CC or being able to throw said weapon for instant downs


I really dislike most of those ideas.

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We might as well add dodging then. For both sides. I really dont think I’d be against it.

Hey I help. When you dont secluded them xD.