developers wake up before it's too late

weaken the fireteam and make the predator stronger because the balance is now very bad if you don’t do it in the upcoming patch and most of the players will just leave your game before it’s too late to fix everything


Or you know git gud


From my understanding he’s one of the best Predators in the game or at least in the top 3%.

The only way his group will be happy is if Pre-made’s get some kind of balancing measure. Not saying they don’t give a fuck about casuals, but it is the sense I get. I asked his win ratio and was told it’s about 2 out of 10, against those same Pre-made’s that claim FT could win a hundred % of their matches. I am forced to assume he wins 10 out of 10 games in pubs as he dropped the convo, seeming to get my point but not wanting to acknowledge it.


Can care less tbh. If he is in here complaining then he needs to git gud


Also from what I just read, he is a pc exploiter so is he really in the top 3%

James Cameron can tell you that if a few thousand pred players leave the game then it is only they who will suffer. The FT queue will be the same and the pred queue will shorten.

Let them leave.

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You just a troll man


Agreed with the post, lot of players already dropped the game , it’s just unfun. 4 SAWZ shots to second wind the Predator but 8 arrows to kill one fireteam. @OldKingHamlet I think that you dont have to understimate these balance issues, the game is in a really bad state. I stopped play for now until the patch , it’s just frustrating that you cant do nothing as Predator because of balance and many many many bugs. Right now a support with tick skin has more effective hp than the Predator, because he needs 4 shots to take him down but Predator needs 4 arros to kill him, and if he use syringe it becomes 6 arrows. Pls wake up.


@OldKingHamlet @Courier

How am I a troll. I read all the posts he commented on and anyone where hw gets into it with another pc player they all call him out for the same thing. But whatever man

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He plays with all medium settings as you can see in all his streams in twitch, no exploits , just skill. Stop trolling.


Im just going off what im reading. I dont support ppl who stream a hobby. So again no trolling just going off available information. Stop being a sad old man

You call him pc exploiter, I gave you proofs that he is not. Your answers are always full of toxicity in any post and it’s incredible that you didnt get banned.


In every post? Or only the ones you and that crazy person tagged me in sees?

Git good isn’t even a factor
If he said weaken pred by all means call him bad lol

But pre mades r broken pred is too weak to with stand looking from a numbers standpoint pred is an absolute joke


I made a post called what if I think would really bring the balance around. Also not bias I look at buffs for both sides.

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Banned, lol.

you know Arrow, I’ve only now realize how holly bullshit of a balance we have in this game right now… thanks ;-)


Not buffs for both sides I’m not entirely for one side but I know the game leans more on fireteams side more than it should

Yes pred should be slightly more skill based than fireteam but he’s unable to do that when theirs

-no stealth mechanic
-mainly hit and runs
-no fair trade offs
-players can see you plan as day across the map even when cloaked

-no bugs for fireteam weapons but tons of bugs drag preds gameplay down

Dps for fireteam and pred is soooooo different it’s ridiculous lol

Now a Dutch with thick skin is 2 spear throws to Down and with a support even after 2 throws I still half to wristblade him

This includes halfing to pick the combi bacc up
Wile any of his weapons take 4 seconds to kill me or less and he also has 3 other buddy’s who are as dangerous lol

That’s my POV


Read mine it’s really bullshit how the games works balance wise 🙃