Did Arcadegeddon marketing sell itself short?

From the onset, have they even begun to sell the story for Arcadegeddon ? Based on the pull, its between twitter and PHG facebook. Did they do enough to pull story driven narrative to their audience? Whats the conflict and interest in individuals looking for story?

Did illfonic do their due dilligenience and market this game based on WHAT THIS GAME IS ABOUT? or did they just showcase a capture the flag gameplay trailer and call it a day?

The basis of this post is to understand that they either did ENOUGH or NOT ENOUGH for their titles.

So if TWITTER and facebok isn’t enough,they need to pull away funding in order to fucking sell things…rereally i thought that was up to the investors (whom are probaby dying 80 year olds who probably are YES MEN).

  • Yes, they sold what it is whatever it was…a shooty bangy title.
  • No…i still don’t know the premise, conflict, story. Is this a Tron sequel?

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To me this game is about Blue Gumby people with guns. thats it. Does anyone need to step in?

If Ghostbusters is sold with the same mentality…will it survive tomorrow?

It’s a backdrop for Avatar 3

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Are there humans? or is it an experimental art piece with no context?

All i see are animated gifs with “Cool!” as its context.
I mean they could sell it with yellow happy face emojies and probably still get the same type of responses.

If they are selling something like Gumby…they should sell it as the NEXT Blue STYLE Gumby! and Sell us home made candy with the next …DLC.

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Its just style and art. The tunes are pretty chill as well.

I saw people do near 12 hr marathons just to get too spot on leaderboard in the first few weeks of early release. Very exhausting to play the way. It’s ok just to chill for an hour or so, so maybe dailies and weeklies will keep people playing. Otherwise they need some other short term goal as motivation because gunning for the top spot is just asking for a burnout.

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So its a musical.

Music is a big part of it. Some of the tracks are are really good.

describe this game! Show me something that represents this game’s gameplay mechanics!
Show me what i’m up against! is it aperson? is it AI? Is it the Weather?

Just give me one youtube video link. And finish me off! Give me a Happy ending! cuz that happy ending is whats going to sell it!

There are mini games for pvp but mostly it’s pve. Different enemies, weapons, perks, bosses, power ups, loot, objs to complete. Three are only 4-5 different stages. You can increase difficulty. Enemies become tougher. Meta. It’ll hold you over for a few weeks, after that it may become boring. I dont know if they’ll release roadmap for it or if it’ll be a spreadsheet format 😂

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Well thats more than i expected from their shit marketing.
like did they explain more than default features of the UNReal Engine or is there a story?

You can play solo or with friend. Teamwork makes for some interesting builds. It’s mostly a shooter, but there are effective melee builds. It’s a solid game, but gunning for high score all the time is tiring. They should introduce some challenges.

I’ll try to check out there release stream. I wonder how big the turnout will be.

Now that half an hour is gone and you decided not to tell me anything , here it is from one youtube video:
In a futuristic metropolis, a Mega corporation is sucking the arcade nation dry , there is an eco/financial system of culture, commerce and class (which is not really explained).
You work for ’ FunFunco’ or the man sitting ontop ofthe good chain…


Fuck this… its not even a trailer. Its like watch a person play the game to explain the shit…for half an hour. So i spend an hour on this post, when i could have spent half if not less IF ILLFONIC WOULD EXPLAIN THIS SHIT IN A REAL TRAILER type video.

Suffice it to say, if Ghostbusters needs a 2 hour video… I won’t be sold. But at least it got funded right? Leave it to Sony or something to market it. If they do it like this, then maybe it will take me 2 years to discover it.

The game is in a great state i’m sure it is playable, but to grab my attention isn’t an automatic thing. I don’t live my life on Steam or epic store merchant trolling. I live my life elsewhere. If they are constantly relying on 13 year olds to make investors happy (because 13 year olds literally have nothing to do, and they have no money), they are barking up the wrong tree.
The lack of investment in marketing is fundamentally lacking and its a problem. They are leaving it unprofessional gut feelings and their inability to write material to market to the gaming market which encompasses a wide range of ages is staggering and overwhelmingly evident.

Another note is that if they leave the game open to have another worthless youtube channel soul to v-log the walkthrough then i guess they saved money right? I guess that happens a week or two after release? or maybe they give out advanced copies?

Their release date was about a year ago: July 8, 2021
It still feels like it came out a few months ago, does anyone else feel that too? I’m not sure why that is, maybe the lack of reviews? or the lack of marketing history with this game?

Maybe it has something to say about the state of games in the industry. If you’re going to discover it, you will on your own time and it doesn’t take a ‘campaign’. Like it does with art right??
I guess PHG does have some relevance? like if its not perfect on release, it will eventually after some fixes?

Do you believe in the art of gaming? or art in general? or is it a matter of investment authenticity (that if it should be a perfect game, it must be perfect on release?). I’m sure this will trigger @TheSenate to become a jackass in response to this post or this statement.

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Illfonic doesn’t believe in marketing

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what does that mean little one?

The individuals making this game believe putting it IGN for 15 min and tagging twitter is an acceptable level of exposure because they have their captive audience already.

People that are diehards for the franchise title regardless of quality.

Marketing is an unneccessary expense for a cheap game that’s pretty niche to begin with.

All they have to intrigue is design…its fairly good. I won’t doubt that. There are design aesthetics that make me curious about the origins of its design. but not much is there to lure me to the gameplay or story.

The only thing that keeps me in the universe of Arcadegeddon marketing campaign is because its on the same twitter account as PHG. thats advice right there.

Its prophunt


they have this ability to get actors onboard for stuff somehow so there’s that

I really did not expect prophunt from this. I’m honestly a little disappointed.

for consoles this is probably revolutionary if you think about it

they don’t have gmod etc

There needs to be a connection: no story, no game. or you can tell Bill Gates to make it a mandatory download. then it becomes a donation $$$$.
I mean, connection doesn’t need to be dramatic, but at least tell this story in the marketing.
I like gumby, but its not in my face. I mean at least I might find Gumby products at the dollar store. I don’t see Arcadegeddon at the dollarstore everytime i look for gummy bears. To me this is a default find at Illfonics dollarstore.