Did Arcadegeddon marketing sell itself short?

every multiplayer game ever.

I wouldn’t consider Death Stranding the pinnacle of storytelling lol. it gave us some cool visuals and made me buy some 'tism delivery games on sale.

other than that its like, this is heartman he has heart problems.
this is fragile but she’s not so fragile
cool concepts like rain warping time but they didn’t deliver on it

All a standard campy kojima flair, very on the nose.
Atleast it was a complete game unlike CYBERPUNK

you really don’t read books do you? Finess being Finess. I mean, there was text in the game, 5% you read. 1% you understood.

Meh, I’ll bite.

First of all, Arcadegeddon was something else. Something happened with a partner, and the game was cancelled over Christmas 2020. Normally when a game is cancelled, there’s layoffs. CEO and Sr leadership didn’t want to do it, so we said “Fuck it, the game is fun. We’ll make it our own and self publish it”. New almost everything except the general gameplay loop.

We didn’t really advertise too much as it’s an early access game that had growing to do, especially with a typical year cut from the dev cycle. Plus, actual advertising is expensive (If some people here can talk cpms we can geek out about that).

Anyways, game is going free for PS Plus next month. We’ll see how well actual gameplay of the game sells it and markets it.

Premise is: Arcadegeddon is a game created by the main character’s uncle, Gilly. It’s being attacked by a megacorp that wants to take Gilly down as he’s the last independent arcade in the city. So you go in the game and kick the megacorp out through playing it, as well as fighting off Data Daemons, which are glitched monsters.

It’s a 1 to 4 player coop PVE game with mid-level PVP matches. There’s a PVP mode too, but it’s targeted to be fun than ultra competitive. The art is fully us. The music, with streamer mode enabled, is dmca protected. The CEO even did a few tracks. Soundtrack is also free to stream. Go for objectives. Go for a boss run. Go for global leaderboard placement. Play to the goal you want to

Now I’ve been typing this on mobile and I’m sure there’s plenty of added spice to review :p


lol it was irrelevant to gameplay. you’d think that would be more survival-game-esque but it boiled down to shooting goo lions with rocket launchers & then going back to delivering pizzas.

You really don’t study things do you Finess. SMH. Look into death strandings…look into the past heavy bombardments…look into why oil exists in the oceans…look into why people believe in life after death. Lets not get into this on this thread as its for something else entirely.
please.just dont. stay on topic.

death was advertised as a mechanic and I didn’t die once playing through that game?

Do I need to go back and play it on ultra hard to get the real experience?

you smoke to many cigarettes’.

Created? how? What is the existential premise going on? Is this human? on earth? if its Purely fantasy it needs to be established in every trailer…understandably, it looks super fantasy. so lets start the narrative on a purely fantasty note.Take it apart from the Super Hyperreal games…make it fantasy or purely cartoon fantasy. That needs to be established. But i think the youtube video (at least the first few minutes) is good enough.
If you can anchor everything on an existensial feeling then you have established something that can clearly take one away from realism.
What is the conflict? That needs to be reiterated in everything! There is too much in the fantasy that one can’t relate to.
if you saw A blue Minion…what are you going to say about him being blue? Who is the Felonious Gru?
There is no movie out! You need to establish the connections in this game!
there is alot of posts on twitter but no storybased conflict.

Where is the call to action? Where is the ‘hero’ troupe?

Don’t keeps showing us cool art and dvd based design aesthetics, show us story!

Thx for the response King



do you guys not prefer independent projects? sounds like you only rolled with it because the game was already close to viable as early access.

any plans on doing independent game things?

WTF are you talking about? Are you saying if it fails that it becomes a free to download game?

Finessalogy likes free games, stop making games for profit and start delivering stuff to finessess’ personal email.

I’m replying to Hamlet, mass.
Follow closely here.

Publishing something yourself =/= Free

He says Arcadegeddon was originally cancelled and they decided to publish it themselves because fuck it hail mary, not because that was their original intention.

Well let us show them the way! They need to hitch a ride on emotions!
PPL need to undestand the conflict of the narrative. If its a small thing, great. Thats it!
But it needs to be the staple flagship model. because if the audience doesn’t connect with the UNREAL Tourney gameplay its going to be with the story line. Thats it!

ppl could play capture the flag…but its not going to be the biggest draw.
I mean PHG …if they promoted CTF…they wouldnt do so well as the HUNT which is the basis of the Predator Yautja story is the driving factor not to mention the entire plot of the movie and its characters.


Say you’re a person…right? you have ambiitions…right?

Then i bigger body comes around and tells you “NO”!. …conflict.done

I think I finally understand what you’re trying to say.

Prophunt isn’t in line with the theme of ghostbusters?

yay or nay?

there simply is no narrative connection to Ghostbusters.
look beyond x touches y with Z elements with bipedal models wth keyboard and mouse or controller.

Looks for lead Character…with history, with connections with other non-playable characters…etc. Look for actor based star power driving the character. Looks for dialogue and personality. Character design. Art and atmosphere.
No Prophunt game has anything to do with Ghostbusters.

Do you need 5 more cigarettes before you respond or are you in flavour country already?

To me the marketing for Arcadegeddon is tooting the ego of someone at Illfonic. its not delivering on the products intentions or its story. Bottom line which is the draw for ANY HUMAN-being looking to connect with a game. Basically- marketing is non-existent. Based on any marketing methodology. Its some guy going look how yellow it is…or how sheen the graphics are? Isnt it cool? we have soundtrack. for months upon months upon months. I still didn’t get what this thing is about based on the twitter posts.

What it says to me is that they don’t know how to connect with an audience. Thats cool if they don’t have the resources or man power to undesrtand human thoughts or needs.

Anyone knows how to connect with a dog, just give it DOG FOOD! Oh no wait…people here have cats only. @Kass RIP.

Word of mous

This must be your cigarette advertising thread

He told you straight up that marketing is expensive.
atleast it was honest even if you’re unhappy with the response lul

Yeah, you just need someone capable in the english language then you teach them like a dog about human connectivity (psychology) and that is the biggest pain of ALL! Not that anyone here is capable of understand how one ‘learns’ things. not that learning can’t be applied to how people absorb information. but NO …its ‘expensive’ !

Arcadegeddon was originally not to be published by IllFonic, but afaik, Ghostbusters was going to be our first self published game. Situation dictated otherwise with Arcadegeddon, so we made it work.

I can’t speak to future projects. I know the basic trajectory, but not enough to spokesman about it. I think there’s probably some Ghostbusters articles somewhere where the press asked that question though (but tbh I don’t recall a specific example).

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