Did Arcadegeddon marketing sell itself short?

Nope, marketing is expensive. There’s no real conversation about marketing that doesn’t involve CPM and CPC. Facebook and Twitter didn’t make their money solely cause you can upload pictures of your bbq over the weekend.

Wow. Thats a powerful statement. You actually use facebook and twitter’s analytics as a basis of fundamental learning principals ? Can you at least justify how one avoids pain and receives pleasure as a means for marketing? Overcoming obstacles? acknowledgements of good vs evil? Or is this game a more a politcal statement (the company needs to nail that down)? I think someone really needs to rethink the storyline and make it more simpler. otherwise, twitter and facebook isn’t doing much for the market as you think it should.
They are platforms to communicate, and not so much a poltical statement, but more so THE STORY my friend. And Disney folks can help you out there.

I expect a 2k word essay describing the plot of Fortnite on my desk tomorrow morning.

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If its exactly Fortnight, then they can just as easily make a statement thats black and white rather than grey area.
Fortnight is minecraft with people jumping around aimlessly shooting at each other. If thats the case…just market it as such.

Its they can’t explain it so easily, they need to write narrative into the game that explains it existentially as something a little more.
Frankly, an agile narrative approach is doing more for the story writing for gaming and can easily make a game more worth while in approaching from a consumer stand point. Frankly it looks like it lacks narrative.

I see it the Arcadegeddon twitters . Just remind me when they actually post anything about the game cus its just fanselfies. I imagine it will take a year before( i look at the game) anyone will say this is more than just selfies of a design group. THERE IS NO GAME. Prove me wrong. It needs more Content driven videos/ pictures of characters (with actual narrative)…not just pictures with nothing to go with it!

So there is no need to do anything unless Facebook and Twitter make money while you’re doing it?
Forgive me if i’m wrong, they don’t charge anything. At least this is what i’m aware of. and if you post anything content driven which equal to a large hit count, i don’t believe they will charge any one for that.

Not talking about an actual paid for twitter Advertisement, just a casual post to an official Illfnonic youtube link. Can’t be more precise about my statement about that considering that is what the Illfonic posts are all about.

lets not be coi about this, what is presumably easily done can be done with the least amount of problems. This is Occums Razor philosophy. The most logical solution without problems or discord can be done without hesitation and results would be most positive.

But if your enterprise account means that you have to (MUST PAY FOR) certain things in which a critieria must be met, then you can easily argue that “YOU ARE NOT GOING ABOUT IT THE RIGHT WAY”. you’re simply paying into something in which THEIR business case doesn’t meet up with your AUDIENCE SPEND.
You need to re-advise your business with how your audience consumes this product. PHG got it right (there was already an audience), illfonic is still missing something with ARcadeeddon. … that title needs to be simplified. There needs to be a heart in the game and it needs to be sold. Missing something unique. Its not there yet and I’ll let you know if you made it. Those on the writing duties needs to get high, man. They need to do their thing and get her done!

its like missing a bow and tie on a package. Its just not there. I mean, the game is there. just not the marketing. Nobody is going after it, if thats cool then good. but it feel like there isn’t a need for pushing this product. Just let it sit on Steam or Epic or whatever until it meets its expectations if ever.

If Illfonic really cared about exposure. They’d be putting their games on Steam and not on Epic.

Epic is actually a solid, supportive partner, and the Crossplay party support with EGS in the middle is a solid experience for players.

Don’t worry about the marketing. Your loyal subjects are out on fb and other social media platforms spreading the word. The game is going to be lit!

I apologize, i’m sure if any one was a fan of Arcadegeddon before it cameout would be visiting its epic page or steam page. Honestly I think this game has artistic merit. In fact, i would tell Illfonic to put out LOTS of development art and pre-production stuff out there right now.

what got me was the OST shots where it looks like the CD audio disc printed stamp artwork. something that few designers did was integrate the cd’s hologrphic look with the printed design. I thought that was genuinely something few knew how to do.

Example: You didn’t know that this type of desig was done on the edges of audio redbook CDs? I thought that was genius!

I just want people to have fun. Here’s hoping people have fun with Arcadegeddon and keep having fun with Predator.


Still lots of love for PHG. Just give us a reason to grind a reasonable amount lvls. Thank you for Tanks levelling down. That…was necessary!

Should never have happened in the first place. The Exile was marketed with those predlocks, the people who bought him should have had them instead of waiting 7 months for them to be eligible for those who grinded like hell then another two months to lower it.


Wait we have an employee from illfonic that actually let’s us know things and properly communicates and interacts? Heresy of the highest order.

When it comes to the industry? Oh! I bet! Hence the “exclusivity” deals.

When it comes to consumers? That’s another story. The fact that it took them numerous years just to add some basic functionality to their storefront/client says it all. And it’s still lagging behind in that department compared to its competitors. Not just Steam/Valve. It’s certainly one of the slowest clients i have dealt with ever since these platform launchers have become a thing.

Most PC gamers i know refrain from purchasing games on there and would rather wait for the inevitable Steam release instead. I am one of them. I made an exception for your game. I have learned my lesson.


lol he was the only reason ppl had hope year 1 since he actually replies

Would anybody here actually play that game?

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I pre-ordered so I don’t miss out on anything.
Like the noobs that missed out on Jungle Hunter 87.
I just can’t wait to play.
Im stomping my feet back and forth right now at the thought.

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Now you destroyed @MassImpact124 's way of life, existence and future in one single blow.

The forum shall remember this day and monstrosity commited upon Mass.

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Yup. my moral is at an all time low.

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Sounds like the famous last words of any successful ‘community’ manager!

OOps. wrong meme. but i thought this was funny.

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