Disc is underrated

Avp 1998 had the best smart disc. It locked on and shredded multiple xenos


Cant have a weapon that has a hard lock. Balance would fly out the window. Now if you made it where it had a soft lock amd was throw with a arc and projected path and would seek out anyone in or 5 meters from that path the disc would be great

Booby trapping pigs would be a great use for a grenades, either throw them at the pred when needed or use them for traps that way it’d make the choice a bit more situational.

For the combistick i don’t think missing a throw should damage it (I’d lose the damn thing before the FT ever shot a bullet at it) however to counter the spammers they can it make so you have to charge up the throw in order to do the damage it does now otherwise if you just yeet it the moment you get it would do like 50 damage instead of 103 or whatever the hell it is now. This would be more in line with the PC or the bow, you sacrifice mobility for damage however being that there’s no indication that you’re aiming at them the charge up would have to be longer than PC. Idk I feel like this would be more skill based than just chucking it at anything that moves for a giant chunk of damage.

War club I’m fine with either your way or the way it is now however that 3rd hits tracking needs to be reworked so bad.

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I dont agree with your solution to combi stick spammers. I really do think making it take damge much like weapon damage in other style of games is okay. It not taking damage on targets it hits or using it as a melee weapon. But you missing you throw should come with a consequences. Idk just me but im tired of these meta combi throwers that miss every throw so they get desperate and throw and slam ppl to get that dbl flash effect. Idk just me. Lets agree to disagree till we can find a better solution

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Yeah I got you my philosophy though is if you want the damage you gotta take the time to hold still and aim at the cost of taking damage yourself And making it so if you missed the charged shot you have to hold a button down to retrieve it because it’s stuck in the object making it a decent trade off otherwise you get little damage for just throwing it quickly and running away to quickly pick it up making it two different play styles of patient hard hitting hunter or quick hit & run hunter.

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Can’t hit jack shit with it… not because its shit, simply because I’m shit with it XDDDD


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True. Iwas just saying. I wish it had to modes… the drone mode to see where all the fuckers are as it is now and a quick throw mode where it comes out fast but if you get hit it just keeps going straight full speed

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A few shots in the original Predator from what I understand have footage used from the original Predator design which had a slightly different weapon. They’re edited but it wasn’t enough to hide it from the internet. Interestingly this version also appears to have what I think is a sword. Notable since Jungle Hunter at one point did have what is no known as the Elder Sword for the original Predator though it got removed and I think was reused for Greyback in Predator 2.

Okay i know this is a early movie production but why does it look like the pred is holding a weapon thats coming from his Crotch

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Basically framing. He’s firing some sort of projectile from his hand but the red of the suit makes the thing blend together.


Dick gun

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I was more thinking Cockgun Annihilator 300

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In theory, yes, I agree that the disk is the best weapon. But during gameplay against a capable FT makes the disk a liability in many cases and in some situations it can cripple the Pred for not having chosen another weapon.

I’m sure pros on PC can snipe FT with the disk consistently, but on console as a casual there are simply better and more reliable options.

You sir have got style. I like the cut of your jib

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what about a dick gun that is also a knife and also a hammer? (and also still a dick)

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So a Cockhammer dual action all purpose cheek clapper 1200?

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