Hey everyone!!! So I’m so glad and thank everyone for the support in the making of the Dutch 2025 Cosplay, so here is my list of how to make it. Note that this is how I created the cosplay, so if you have a better way I’d suggest taking it.
First is the easy steps, which is buying the clothing.
(These items can be found on Amazon or Walmart):
1.) Black Athletic Shirt ($20)
2.) Military Cargo Camo Pants ($40)
3.) Jungle Combat Boots ($38)
4.) Tactical Knee Pads ($30)
5.) Tactical Vest & Legs Platforms ($136)
6.) Tactical Gloves ($20)
7.) Tactical Camo Scarf ($14)
8.) Tactical Backpack ($40)
9.) Temporary Silver Hair Dye, I’d recommend L’Oreal Paris Colorista ($9)
Here are the stuff you can’t find within stores and instead need some outside help within the community:
1.) Predator Bio Helmet, I was lucky enough to get it through a friend known as “Yautja Addict” who gifted me the most iconic piece to the whole cosplay for $50. However a item like that within the community might cost more for someone to custom make it or you making it yourself.
2.) The Predator Gauntlet Computer, By far the hardest item to find but so rewarding for it’s final touch. I’d recommend going to “Josh Jones” for he was the one that not only made my Predator Guantlet Computer but also creates Predator cosplay and more! With a worthy price of $150, He’s the guy you wanna go to for any cosplay you want made and can be found on Facebook:
The total amount would be around $547, and that’s without the scaring makeup. Also for those who can’t grow a beard correctly to make the cosplay fit there is a alternative I found on Amazon that’s called “ Mustaches Self Adhesive On Bail Fake Beard, Novelty, False Facial, Costume Accessory for Adults” for $22. I hope this helps for anyone wanting to make a Dutch 2025 Cosplay^^