Predator Content Dilemma

Predator Content Dilemma

So it would seem with the long standing IP of Predator that there have been many attempts at figurines, movies, props, and general memorabilia with the main population or fanbase also producing various forms of art, cosplays, fan fiction, short films, or what have you. I’m a little shocked to see that when it actually comes down to it, that there is very little but obviously in comparison to something like Halo, Monster Hunter, and various other franchises that there isn’t a lot of fan animations released. PHG seems to be somewhat of a unique case which brings the Predator race to life which is something quite unheard of and possibly a reason why people stick around to the game due to unique value.

With the recent thread of Data Mining I wanted to follow up with a sort of challenge for the rest of the people who were never really interested in the drama that the game created and stayed leaning towards the creative aspect within the franchise or moreover whatever PHG perturbs in the sense of restlessness for person to person basis because I think by many accounts, the Predator franchise as a whole leaves much to be desired and this game adds more fuel to that fire.

Basically the bullshit with the game never really stopped people from creating things so with the Data Mining thread there should be more opportunity for potential creative content that is inclusive of PHG props, weapons, gear, character models, structures, character audio, buildups, tempos, and soundtracks.

PHG Community Spotlight

Website and Statistics from @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK

Custom Intro’s from @CHUCK_YT

Custom Intro, Profile Pic from @DarkIsland1

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Cosplay, Art, Builds, Videos, Mods, Intro from @NomadClan

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Additionally from his community as well, they make way too much shit

Information and Tutorials from @Samhain13

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Various Art and Community Driven content from @Papa_Applepie

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Badbloods Hierarchy from @Dandanlivetwice2

Bad Bloods Hierarchy

Player List from clll2

Spawn locations from Kill-Real

Modding, Screenshots, ungodly amount of builds from @PrimevalYautja

Unholy Art from @Shaymin99

Fan Fiction from Dachande

I’m not putting that stuff here

Fan Fiction from FairYautja

Yautja Empress

Noteworthy Animations

It might be taken for granted but PHG has some of the best animations seen in a long time, unfortunately due to the companies self castration most of it is in vein

Anubis Promo

Dutch 2025 Promo

Dutch 1987 Promo

Long claim animations

Single Player Intro (Blu)

Predator Hunt Intro

Predator Hunt Outro

Fireteam Hunt Intro

Various Cutscenes

Predator Animations, Productions, and Fan Films

I’ve watch maybe still under a hundred of these animations, they’re quite hard to track down and I’ll often try multiple keywords to find these. Basically I’m seeing a lot of quite and simple animations often with unrigged predlocks, non-moving mandibles, and diffuse only models and textures. The best we actually have is from random spinoffs and the better of this bunch.

Best Executed Fan Animations

Fan Animations

Some Short Films


Other Game Cinematics

The next best thing is other games but I’m getting tried of making this thread

The General Creative Challenge

I doubt you clicked every single one of these which is fine, you weren’t meant to lol

Basically it would be nice to have fully 3D content that exceeds these predecessors but I would like to add some complication towards this if you are interested

No already existing original characters

People have gotten too comfortable with making huge amounts of lore about already existing characters, mainly Predators and it would be nice to create something timeless and not associated with present day adaptations of already existing "Pred-Sonas"or “Yautja Persona’s”

If you want to do something with the new character post production that’s fine

For example

  • Chuck - R’ka Sain’ja
  • Nomad Clan - Drago
  • Primeval Yautja - Skai’ro

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Open creativity

If you want to bombard the shit out of peoples fucking eyes and create a wall of flames in the form of text that’s fine, story telling is up to you so long as you pride yourself to push for better results than the already existing work

Asset Usage

There’s already enough to start making Predator based 3D animations from this

and ofcourse linking the Data Mining thread for a third time now


Go learn Blender and start making cool shit

Just because the game sucks doesn’t mean you need to let the creative potential with the assets rot too



Sorry, I’ve been thinking about it for a while 😅

I hope my montages are appreciated

Not too shabby, I agree, Predator definitely needs more content, open world game please, hopefully the rumors are true of the anthology animated movie, I hear Marvel is doing another solo Predator comic run, hope it’s better than that first series they did, hot garbage, and if you wanted R’ka Sain’ja images, all ya had to do was hit me up man😆😉. On a similar note, I have created some lore for my character, hasn’t really been made entirely public yet, it’s mostly localized on an old pred rp server that used to do pred rp, like hunts and shit. 3-4 long years of the rp, lot of lore to sift through and rewrites to do in order to compile it into a possible book, because of how much went on in those episodes.

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Well to put some perspective as to why , the franchises had a long history of butting heads with fanbases on cease desist orders and shutdowns of modding assets or fan films up to 2012ish.
People lost alit of interest since those assets need to be created. Since then they’ve never really bothered artists on art station or deviantart for their fan art. I would presume some might get in shit with them when they are caught extracting game assets but using them in fan projects I suppose is fine. Paying for assets I’m sure is completely out of the question unless it’s from the official dudes who made them.

The pred franchise seems to have a lot of interest from students and hobbies so like this thread there is some interest gaining traction. Not sure if it will be more polished though.

It’s good to see collabs and such but lots of the older crowd probably won’t have the time.

My first modding experience was on avp1999 game.but only for changing the textures making them from photos and increasing the resolution.

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I don’t mind montages but in this case it would be nice that in place of a montage that people would make stuff like this instead like player AlienatedTTV

2023-07-11 11_22_37-#fanworks _ Fireteam_ Hunting Grounds - Discord

even though the boob shit is pretty wild, the concept is there

but I saw what you did there with the movie scenes

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Animated movie would be insane

but I was using as an example to challenge others to create a unique characters more animation to go out of their comfort zone, maybe one day in the future I would put all the allotted content into one place though that would be good community preservation I dont mind that

I basically want other people here to make this type of stuff

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Hmmmyes very sex

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I mean if that’s what you’d rather see then sure. Personally I don’t have any experience with animating on blender etc. And I don’t have a PC so I don’t see myself making anything like that any time soon.

Fair enough


Wasn’t expecting this to be honest, I’ll admit nice work, and I guess glad to see the Forums accepting creativity to such lengths. Excuse me if it sounds off about this when for a long time, creativity was looked down upon here on the forums.

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Where muh concepts

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I don’t think that PHG community will ever reach that level of creativity like Team Fortress 2. TF2 community is mental, but in a good way. So much content throughout the years. Movies even. Just watch Emesis Blue. YouTube is flooded with animation and other stuff. Half of steam community is making shit using game assets in SFM and Gmod. It is great.

If something isn’t recognizable enough (and I think PHG and the whole Predator franchise kinda lost) no one will ever start to make top quality content like TF2. It is better to just make porn with these assets, post them on x, create a patreon and you’re cooked. Plus, non NSFW content will ever gave you enought profit. It is just like things become when people start using SFM. Many of them eventually learned Blender and here we are now. Blender porn is everywhere.

SFM these days is trash. It fuckng crashes every 10 minutes of work due to models size and the program cannot use more than 4gb of memory. I dropped it off last summer when I feel my nostalgia again. Didn’t make anything in like 7 years. Wanted to learn Blender and move on to it, but every time I see that interface it creeps me out. So fuckng much on the screen. Posing and assignment the scenes with light and stuff are almost the same as SFM, but… nah. Too much stuff to learn. My job is eaten away my time, and my book in eaten my brains last couple of years.

I’ll make something in SFM when I’m be in the mood. There’s is some preds models to play with. Kinda wish that pack be ported to SFM to be honest.

Also, very first models that was properly ported from the game was NSFW already. It says something lmao. There’s is also xnalara ports and Daz3d to dumb around.




@TheSenate we miss you

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I missed a lot of stuff but I just pushed out the thread, even stuff like Massinpacts 1,000+ topics would’ve been on there or Azul and her art

I’d rather go for a Community Historical Content thread instead



For the most part I think it was mainly the oc/rp stuff that a lot of ppl were against, Idk if they still are