Dynamical Objectives - Match objective re-work

I agree the current hunt setup is problematic, and always has been, but illfonic doesn’t have the ability to make it better.

For one, the AI needs a total overhaul. There’s almost no point to suppressors because you’re going to be fighting an army one way or the other. Theyve got some kinda idiot savant combat ability where sure they might stand still and walk into walls, but they can see you through those walls, track you through the map, and hit you from 50 yards away if nothing solid is blocking them and they’re also bullet sponges with inexplicably small hit boxes.

As far as the objectives go, I also agree. Any smart team has at least one guy run the mission while the rest are basically in wait for the predator to make a move. Thats why I’ve made a couple posts mentioning how you can do later objectives sooner than required, ultimately cutting down an already short clock on certain missions. On a 15min timer, games should not be able to be completed in less than 5mins. Hell, I’d say less than 10mins. So something should be changed in how fireteam actually plays missions. I just want to make sure fireteam stays in one place for more than 30 seconds at a time because yeah, it’s a two way speed run every single match. No in betweens unless I’m against a less than skilled team and deliberately play around with them.

I, like most, could go on for a while but in the end… let’s look at this for what it is: an amateur studio with little funding snatched up a popular IP and isn’t capable of delivering what’s required due almost entirely to direction and management.

This ain’t a bad game, its a game that’s held back by those who designed it. It could be a lot of things but it’s officially stated that Illfonic is gonna stick to their own plans and we get what we get. So while all this work we’re doing for them is engaging and positive… we’re talking to a brick wall and wasting energy trying to conceptually fix the game ourselves with these creative overhauls. Theyre not gonna do any of it because they’ve already been working on things they aren’t gonna tell us about until they’re released.

I don’t even know why they got this bullshit roadmap in place when it’s only updated as soon as something new drops lol like how bout letting the customers know exactly wtf you’re doing?

Answer: because they know it aint gonna be well received.

I personally like the idea of a battle royal type game with 6 preds and 6 teams of 4 players a pred squad iz 2 players and basically its a free for all till 1 winning team Lol

I think their should be bots to fill in for missing ft :b in the game we have now and for a br gamemode lol

So preds drop with basic hunter with wristblades only and half to retrieve equipment from weapon pods tht dropped from their ship (ft can capture these load out drops and gain xp and a lot of vertanium)

Ft drop with default assault and half to travel to their loadouts to retrieve their shit

(Basically a normal ass br)
But preds constanly can open up a 3D view of the LARGE MAP and can view any fireteam

For now let’s say this royal was set up by preds on a different planet to show whos better hunters between a clan

So the “dome” will get smaller until theirs a winner 😎

Legit I could’ve just summed it up and said pred br

But your putting a lot of effort so I thought I would too :)

@Coffee2Go @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK

You both have great ideas 💪

I love this idea. Could make it where we don’t need target isolation anymore and have more of a tracking and stalking your pray

Ok, if thatscthe case keep the mechanic of it but hide the HUD for it. My idea from it woukd be that the FT would stay together for the fear of being left behind and being stalked aswell

It woukd allow a pred to jump on opportunity if some slack behind and forces more teamwork aswell

Again, lots of interesting ideas and concepts, but I think they would require a ‘start from scratch’ approach. This game’s core gameplay and mechanics are locked in now. We might get a new mode or two, but the fundamentals of how each side works will stay broadly the same. A large Developer would balk at altering a year old game to this extent, let alone a small one like Illfonic.


I mean, I’d really in the end maybe see more of a new/different mode for some of these changes. A variation of hunt rather than redesign the current mode we have

Yeah but main thing they need to do is make mission objectives unpredictable where even if you play as a pre made with friends n shit you wont be able to do better than someone whos playing with random people…

BUT DONT get me wrong about what i mean when i say you cant do better than someone with randoms.

I mean the only thing that you should be able to do as a pre made is to do every mission right… but u would have no ability what so ever to speedrun… make missions run faster… the mission will run the same pace as everyones else

Yes. At this point you won’t get major redevelopment. It wouldn’t make financial sense for the devs. The best we can hope for is maps, modes and fixes but after a year with only 1 map and a pretty bad new mode we shouldn’t get our hopes up. We needed like 3 maps about 8 months ago.

You have no idea how good it feels to be summoned out of your solitude. This forum is a nice diversion and is filled with colorful characters, some more friendly than others. Nevertheless, I appreciate @Coffee2Go ideas because they show the potential this game has with further customizable options.

As far as further discussions goes, @DPRK_Chopra said it better above. Being able to do missions beforehand gets boring. I would also add. there should be more mini-games or two players required switches -with a longer more difficult alternative if at least two players are not available.

On a more serious note, I have been taking a break from this game and the forum. I lost a loved one due to Covid and I am in deep sadness and contemplation with little desire to hunt or be hunted. I miss my friend and the old world before this virus. Please stay safe everyone.


Yeah i summoned you just to let you know ima make this happen lol and aim to strike when illfonic realizes that they have to re work their game if they want to bring majority of their community back…

They are gonna have to do what no mans sky did and like take a step back and build a new foundation.

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Making missions longer wont do much cause u will still have one or two people doing them ahead of time and making predator feel bad for his que time and how he has to now try hard and like now allow for speedrun to happen…

Majority of people here end up downing entire squad to not allow such speedrunning and also eliminate possibility to reinforce after they are done so they get out all alive

I actually have memorized a lot of the Objectives, and use this all the time with my teams. I will run off and do objectives ahead of time, especially if the Objective is, for example, to destroy something. This is easily done because all the destructible Objectives spawn at the start of the match.


There u go people u heard it from @xXPotFXx <—

proof that more and more people are aware of it :P