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Are all fruit ancestors actually disgusting though? Or just bananas, watermelons and a couple others?

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I’m sure theres at least a few that are good.
I saw another vid talking about how we only eat a small percent of plants.

And it would actually be more beneficial if we started expanding what we consume.

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I think all produce is gmo to some extent

And noone tested for allergies or superweeds back then

As someone with multiple life threatening allergies and a licensed allergist as a friend:
Allergies are caused by specific proteins in foods that the body erroneously recognizes as foreign, and the immune system over reacts, causing a minor stomach ache to even anaphylaxes and anaphylactic shock, all depending on how bad the allergy is.
1 of my life threatening allergies are Peanuts, and peanut oil is so refined, that all proteins are filtered out, so if I was to eat something fried in peanut oil, there are great chances that I would be perfectly fine.
There are multiple cures for allergies that are in clinical trials, with the current having a 95% success rate, but to pass trials they need a 99% success rate. Another option would be to find what proteins cause the reaction, and genetically modify said food so it does not have that protein and therefore not trigger the reaction.
Just some interesting info I learned.

So gmos can be a solution too.

Didn’t know there were cures for allergies in the works considering that it’s seemingly similar yo an immune reaction - learn from first encounter, be very efficient during following ones.

I just figured that there are lots of people out there that are against gmos so i was testing the grounds with my comment.

I wouldn’t say i researched the clinical trials enough but in the end there were a bunch of articles saying that it’s dangerous because of allergies, i guess. And there was one article dismissing all those claims. I stuck by the one article and I am for gmos. Most people i ask about it do t have an researched opinion. The just learned to know that gmo = bad

Here’s the article that my brittle convictions hang on…

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Also, gmo testing is very rigorous before a product makes it to the market. If the product fails, that could mean years of setback for the industry so whoever is behind the manufacturing better know how it’s going to fair ahead of time (internal and third party testing). Just because if that and the potential monetary losses i have confidence in the gmo products.

Pretty long article but also good imo

Idk how we jumped to gmo, but what I meant was eating more naturally occurring foods.
Im bad at explaining but

This was the video I saw talking about it, its long but i thought it was interesting.
It’s a pretty cool channel too.

How can we run out of food when everything we consume can reproduce?


Not sure what reasons they give in the video, but perhaps the nutrients in the soil run out/don’t recoup fast enough. Can possibly be fixed with fertilizers but that’s not a good long term plan.


Watch the second video.
It will explain it way better than I could.
The short answer is plant diseases.

It’s pretty interesting, the channel has a lot of cool vids too. It’s pretty educational.

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Stuff like that too.

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Yes, forgot about plant disease. Also unfavorable wether conditions. Shhhh, climate change

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Look man, as someone who loves coffee, hearing that the crops ain’t doing that well…
Feels bad Man lol.

I’ve drank coffee since I was 5 years old xD.
If coffee dies…

They’ll resurrect it or make a substitute. It will be pricy tho. Im thinking controlled climate agriculture, like in self-sustaing environments

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What I can tell you to my knowledge is that the claim that GMOs cause allergies is completely false. (mostly used as an argument without evidence by anti-gmo groups). Because allergies are caused by specific proteins found in different types of food, there would need to be a reason to first find those proteins, then splice those protein creating genes into the DNA, and because they are food specific, there often is not a reason, so for efficiency it is not done.
I personally am in favor of GMOs, and think that they will help with food production, not hurt it. It also could be revolutionary for those with allergies if those allergen-trigger proteins were isolated and removed, so people could eat those foods without having to worry about a reaction. If I wasn’t going for anesthesiology, I would likely become an allergist to research that.

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For the know allergies, I’m sure those proteins are avoided, but it doesn’t mean that a novel protein can’t be created on accident (in gmo food) and cause allergies. Or am I wrong here?

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Given how complex a gene sequence is to create a protein, it would have to be done intentionally, and it would be tested rigorously as part of the GMO requirements. They don’t even create new proteins, they just copy and paste already useful ones at the moment. As such, even if a protein put into a different plant triggered an allergic response (extremely minimal chance), it would be caught in FDA testing.

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Gotcha. Im sure it would be caught. No matter how minimal the chance or allergy is, gmos don’t need more negative press at this time, so it is better to be sure.

So basically they just amplify the good genes.

I guess here’s the situation. Let’s say regular corn is not very tolerant to pesticides so they insert a gene that gives protection (from some prestige resistant weed). There would be a possibility for the protein that gene exprsses to cause allergies. So no need protein is created, but this one is not tested for as is. Same can be done to make for better growth in certain climates or better yields or more resistance to disease. All these proteins would have to be tested for allergies and possible toxicity.