Enough Criticism on Illfonic

They are trying their best during this epidemic, you need to have some compassion on these people who are human beings just like you and me 😡


I don’t think anyone is criticizing them as people. But the games a broken mess. We paid for a broken, incomplete heap of crap. The only reason anyone is here is the Predator IP. I’m sorry but it’s true. Would you be telling somebody to have compassion on a mechanic who fucked up their car? No.


You wont win this one. We have a fkd up game lol.
The constant crashing doesnt help. Neither does all the bugs. The main problem is it feels like they dont care, especially with the lack of communication.


The game isn’t broken , y’all just toxic and salty lol


The game is fine for me buddy…I’m having a blast every match 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got u fam😌

Just ignore them…

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So the multiple live streams I have of crashes, arrows going through people, disks hitting invisible walls, and all manner of other fuckery indicate a game that’s not broken? Please. Think before you call people names 🙄


I play PC and the game never crashes. I do hate the incomplete lobbies though, other than that, the game is fine.


OK I have to agree with this one thing. Even for fireteam when I try to snipe I can be aiming straight at my target and the bullet goes right through like wtf! So it’s a problem for both teams not just for the pred.

My game crashed 6 times since yesterday and I see so many other people who end up crashing as well and are forced to quit.


Dude you seriously got to stop. Every single person you disagree with you always just talk shit.

Non stop. And you want to call others toxic? Really?

The game crashes an absurd amount lately.
Fun fact, it froze and crashed on him earlier, and right after that it crashed on me.

So many others have had constant problems as well.

Enough. Can you just stop already?
You don’t have to go after everyone who disagrees with you.

And in this case, this isnt a matter of opinion. The game has a lot of issues.


Are you PC?


Lmao only that ??? Sorry buddy but that doesn’t make the game broken…that’s consider BUGS THAT CAN BE FIXED!

so please think before u criticized

Guys I’m just saying we need to be patient they are doing their best

I saw someone on YouTube delete their cache data folder and it fixed it. Us PC players have to delete the SpaceFish folder and it fixes it.

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Even if people do that it still messes up.
It started happening alot right after 2.0.

And a bit before that as well.

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Yes they are issues and bugs!

BUT NOT BROKEN lol🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Whatever Keep complaining, I just finished a perfectly fine match so yeah I don’t know bout u tho lol

OK then, agree to disagree then. If you’re happy with it I certainly wouldn’t want to go out of my way to kill it for you. ✌️

Wow! I didn’t know it was that bad for PS. Like I said for me on PC it has been smooth since day one other than some minor existing bugs, but I really enjoy this game.