Enough Criticism on Illfonic

I mean it’s in your name, one would think youd know broken when you see it.

Tell me, when something doesn’t work properly, what’s that state called?

I dont understand why you always have to try to shut others down and feel like you HAVE to be right.

It’s annoying when you get fucked over by bugs constantly.
This isnt a matter of opinion.


I like it to, which is why I wish it wasnt in such a bad state.

I just want the game to work properly that’s all.


When you try to use the disc and then the next thing you know you can’t move at all and you’re frozen and can’t switch your weapons for the fix what do you call that? When your game crashes for no reason several times what do you call that?


Oh, I’m sorry… We are supposed to be quiet about this are we;

And here’s my personal experience from just a moment ago;

But oh no. Must not complain. Must not be angry that this is happening too often to too many of us that the game is a gamble now every single time you want to play a match as Predator (and even FTs are freezing now, what in the actual fuck?)


Bugs are there for the fireteam as well. I think what “Billy” is trying to project is that us FT mains don’t complain as much as pred mains. When we lose we just roll with the punches and move on to the next match.

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But we aren’t losing, the game is just straight freezing up mid match. Happening to FT now, but mostly Predator players.

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As someone who plays FT as much as predator, that’s an absolute load of bullshit. The only bug I regularly see as FT is the interact randomly canceling itself

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You’re joking right?

Oh god I know.
Especially when you cant mud up?

Btw these crashes have affected us on ft as well.

Hence me saying broken.
I’ve had several other issues on ft as well.

The mudding up one really screwed me over, took me like 20 seconds to attempt a full mud cover because it kept canceling.


I never got affected by a bug since the last patch so it got to suck for u I guess lol

Plus if I encounter a bug I just keep goin bc that’s part of games

All games has bugs that are anoying but that’s how it is…they can be fixed

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exactly…sometimes I can’t mud up, I can’t interact or it cancels, I get stuck by a rock or tree, bullets just go through targets…the list goes on.

Oh boy, thankfully you haven’t experienced the same freezing issues on FT. I was on Fireteam with @Fire and another forum member earlier this evening, and they both experienced the game freezing on them. I’ve got footage of Fire freezing because he looked like he was crouched in the bushes masturbating, meanwhile the other player was chasing said he could see Fire running off into the distance…like, there was two Fires in the match?? But it’s okay, we just lost and should move on to the next match…which we did…and the other team mate froze up as well🙄

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If it sounded like a joke to you just laugh and move on.

What a lucky FT player you are.

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Come on guys let’s give good criticism and maybe they will fix the game faster 😅


image Lol exactly!!

Dude if it was once in a while, I’d agree with you, but this is happening often.
You seem to be pretty indifferent about it, which is fine.

But I can show you quite a lot of ppl who have been affected.

Were not talking balance here. This is purely on the bugs and glitches.
This isnt supposed to be normal or a part of gaming.

Backwater is cursed as of this moment, but honestly I’m most concerned about framerate.


Oh I misread that well shit looks like I turned out to be the joke…