Enraged Spec stays on

About the cheating thing, and this is speaking for myself, I do it mainly for 3 reasons

#1 My number one cheat is a secret I’ve only shared with a few people. I made that cheat myself and I have repeatedly stated I made it in order to address a game breaking bug that after year and a half, still hasn’t been fixed

#2 I play a lot of solo pubs with 5 year olds that behave like they are not even grabbing the controller correctly. In order to have any kind of fun, I need to “balance” things out otherwise I would die in 60 seconds and endure 8 minutes of cringy gameplay in 3rd person. I still lose 50% of the time after pred specializations were introduced.

#3 Is just fun sometimes, lol. Though with a full squad we usually run meme builds unless we are finishing the daily/weekly challenges.

This game is very niché, honestly anyone taking this game competitively and serious has some issues. If this shit was as any level as competitive as CSGO, APEX, COD:WZ, etc … You guys would be having a strokes trying to deal with cheaters

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its weird you say others take the game too competitively and seriously yet you’re openly cheating to win because you think your team is going to be horrid, If you didnt take the game seriously you wouldnt care if your team was trash or if you lost

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Is weird you omit the part were I stated i dont want to play for 60 seconds and stare at the screen for 8 minutes…

How is that competitive?

I just wanna play man, dont care if i win or not

Omitted it coz it literally sounds like your saying im bad at the game so I need to cheat or ill die and have to wait. It speaks for itself

If that’s what you want to interpret… ok, but is not. It means the game isn’t balanced for 1v1, sadly in pubs that 90% of the time what you are gonna get because of potatoes, and 90% of the time pred players will aim for you first once they see you play on PC

whatever, take as you like,

If I could jump into every match and ask the pred to “take it easy on me, i’m with potatoes” I would… but they won’t anyway (see what I did there?)

You know I’m not bad at this game nor do I need to cheat when playing with a squad, but don’t worry, next time I’ll make sure to bring the most OP broken class I can get and have absolutely no mercy even if you beg for it.

What i do most of the time is 1v1 the pred in spawn or i play normally and if I die I die tough luck. Lmao 😂 dude I love people trying their hardest with the sweatiest shit vs me as long as its not cheating, coz I’m not afraid to die or lose in a game lmfao I cant believe you tried to sound threatening in a video game lmfao 💀 😂


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Then why ask to “take it easy on you?”

wolf in sheep’s clothing

There was only once I said to hold back and I meant it because I lost control of my character. Which ruins the actual fight I care about the content of matches not the outcome



dont know if the misinformation on fervent was in this thread but just stested it with a player and bots and its working as intended

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since teh devs are scrambling in the bug reports you should read through this thread @Kassinaillia

Also Fireteam spec Fanatic stays on forever when proc’d as well until medkit is used

so field syrretes and self revives do not cause it to endis thread was made cause we have no idea if any of these specs are intended to work this way

obviously read it at your own time no rush

Your best bet for getting a bug addressed is to post it with more information like screenshots, videos, what platform you’re on, and any steps QA can take to reproduce the issue, as well as keep the unrelated posts in the topic to a minimum.

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fair enough

ooh here’s another one

fanatic also stays on forever if you heal using only field syrrettes and don’t use medkits/overseer hp regen
leader also applies to the fireteam that inflicted dmg as well so if dutch 2025 with leader did damage to the predator the buff applies to himself as well

what about this one it’s also cosmetic

[quote=“KameofWar, post:10, topic:20080”]
don’t forget this one as well

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Never saw experienced Fervent being bugged. Analytic should be like that, scanning is something that is done only once, otherwise it wouldn’t be useful.

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As long as fanatic and leader are buggy
It doesn’t matter actually if predator has a buggy class to
It’s kinda fair