Evil dead

Thats entertainment in a nutshell these days , its progressively getting worse aswell

I hope not, but Iā€™ve been tricked before (Justice league. BvSā€¦). They really shouldā€™ve just done an animated series based on the short The Adventures of Indiana Jones. That was great.

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Yea sadly i donā€™t have hi hopes for even the new predator movie only thing im looking forward to is the bear fight and if the movie blows at least thatll be the 1 good thing to come out of it. As far as indy i gave up on that after crystal skull. Shit even star wars last one i saw was when leja was flying in space and that was enough for me to not even give the rest a chance.

Really sad i have yet to be blown away by anything lately. Halo sucks im sure the alirn series will be as lame and yea im sure you can sense my cynicism about it all but it is wut it is I guess

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Watch the vid above. Youā€™ll smile.

I will probably never watch the halo series , I have played the games but I was never a big fan. Isnt it meant to be shite anyway?

From thefirst in game interview, the game plays out based on 4 survivors.- with this strategy its a 4some grind to level up and explore the world I suppose. The 5th member should be (and from what the interview had inferred) was that this member is entirely optional and is not emphasized as a huge part of the grind. My mind thinks is that there is a significant amount of in game currency/skills/or meta built up and can be a great OP match towards the 5th member. I assume there is a significant amount of balancing due to their grinding.
How long the match lasts, im not sure but i think its hinted at for the next ingame interview.
Balance is important but apparently there is no emphasis on PVP as much as we may think.

Still its a beautiful game, some driving your friends around in a car apparently, and lots of cool little enemies to kill.
I think they really developed each level so that its not just 4 lvls of grind. but from the looks of it, well all I saw was one haunted cabin in the woods.
Hey if they did base it on all the movies, you can bet we might journey back in time.

Indy 4 is objectively the worst one though

Lol halo was koo for wut it was in the games but the show is shit Iā€™m not a huge fan bit i like halo and Iā€™m turned off by it cus of how chief has always been kinda mysterious and in the show he comes off nothing like that you see his face you see his ass cheeks lol its jus trash

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I disagree. Though the cg ants are preposterous by all accounts and John Hurt was not properly utilized, there is no part as annoying as 99.7% of the lines of dialogue from Willie Scott. And no sidekick as annoying as Short Round. As much as I could give two sharts about Shia LeBouff (beef? Buff? Boof? Fuck it. Who cares!) because of Transformers, he DID play a convincing Greaser. And outside of the Goonies, Hook and perhaps Shazam, films where children do anything outside of be useless, I find to be, well, not as good. I cite every Jurassic films children cast members, Short Round himself, the entirety of the Harry Potter series, any Christopher Lloyd film titled "Angelā€™s in theā€¦ (fill in the blank), and The Phantom Menace. Shia is to Indy what Hayden Christiansen is to Star Wars. Not our favorite, but not as annoying as the kid before him (through no fault of the children, btw. They did their jobs the best they could).

But the setting of the two films canā€™t be fairly compared either. One is a 1930ā€™s serial and the other is a 1950ā€™s Sci-fi/anti-communist film with classic style action built in. I find both settings to be enjoyable, but in different ways. Furthermore, the growth of the protagonist in each film is enjoyable in their own way.

And sue me, but the return of Karen Allen and her smile make it better by default, if only by 5%, but it is what it is.

I love Indys 1 and 3. I like 4 and 2 very much. I donā€™t like the young Indy show at all, though the one Harrison Ford cameo was neat.

Probably will. Dunnoā€¦


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LOL at the Webber dig. For me itā€™s gotta be 1 > 3 > 2 > 4.

Karen Allen is the best, which is why Raiders it my favorite, but she cannot save the trainwreck that is this movie. Having grown up with the franchise, the new movie just doesnā€™t feel right. The mythology behind the crystal skulls is absolutely incoherent, John Williamsā€™ score just doesnā€™t land here in the same way it did in the movieā€™s predecessors, and Shia just SUCKS lol. I hate him more than I hate Willie (and how dare you shit talk Short Round??) and thereā€™s absolutely no shot the actor would ever be strong enough to be ā€œthe Next Indyā€ like the ending heavily implies.

It really feels like Spielberg is asleep at the wheel for pretty much the entire movie and the artistic vision did not even come close to the other three movies. They tried to copy the formula of the other movies in an attempt to recapture that magic (spoiler alert: they didnā€™t) and, as a result, it just feels like a shady cash grab (when itā€™s not since pretty much every person on this movie does not come cheap, hello Cate Blanchett). It just feels so lifeless and lacks the compelling set design that the previous works had. It feels downright boring at times and an Indy movie should never be boring.

I did enjoy the beginning with the fridge gag and the motorcycle chase, very fun and tightly directed. And Iā€™m a sucker for the wedding at the end! Youā€™ve convinced me to give the movie another watch at the very least :P

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Consider them crossed.

I think they shouldā€™ve hired Dan Akroyd as a mythology consultant, since heā€™s friggin obsessed with them.

And damn! I most forgot about Cate Blanchett! Who doesnā€™t love her in everything?

The bit with Shia at the end was clearly a joke, because Indy takes his hat off of him. In behind the scenes interviews, even Shia makes it clear, Harrison is Indy. Period.

If you call almost 20 years of fans, Ford and Lucas bugging Spielberg for another movie and them finally doing it a cash grab, then shut up and take my money. I call it a thank you to the fans for their loyalty all these years.

Itā€™s not the best, sure, and itā€™s only like 5% better than TOD. I canā€™t say I hate anything about any Indy film, I really canā€™t. I hold Raiders at a 100% perfect film. Last Crusade at about 90%, a little too goofy at times. Skull at about 80% and Doom at 75%. All passing grades. No failures.


Im only getting the standard version

My friend gave me her army of darkness BOOMSTICK edition movie for a last farewell present cause im gonna be moving somewhere else

I love Bruce Campbell hoping to do a TED marathon soon

Me too. I tried to get the ultimate edition with the Necronomicon, but it was sold out long ago.

Im heavily Invested already

Iā€™m very concerned about this game


Only PC and next gen footage has been shown

The last game that did that was Aliens Fireteam Deplete and we all know how that turned out

And Iā€™m sick and tired of being burned by licensed games


Did someone say Burns?

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