Fan Theory: Time Gates

Maybe the Predators have some sort of time gate that has yet to be published…
We don’t hear much about why the predators have stayed true to their traditions and technology, but we do hear about their existences throughout the tests of time in human history.
Maybe they aren’t really an old species, but a future one that has travelled to the past!

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Seriously though I don’t like the idea.

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Bullshit! Why not? It would make sense!

I mean its better than any interpretation of why they existed…for so long…actually there are no interpretations. They just existed with no explaination! :\

Maybe they stole the technology from SKynet?

Maybe they are in a hunt for a particular genetic strain of warrior that predates the one from their own time line!

I hate the need to re-invent the wheel. The predator, predators in a way. Keep it simple. They’re an alien species that hunts other animals. They don’t have to be geneticly altered aliens enslaved by another race or created from the ground up to be war machines

Seriously they were popular before we got their origin story. Why do we need to make them some “oh my god they are geneticly manipulated humters from out of space oh my god” species (especially since most attemps end in making the franchise worse). Why can’t they just be a regular, evolved, inteligent species. Would you really tell me that Humans won’t be hunting alien animals at some point because we’re not geneticly altered species from- you get the point.

Thats not what I wrote…dude read my post!
They were assumed to be Time Bandits since P2!!

Flint pistol…need i say more? After the whole AVP shennanigans, there was Predators! Those humans were from all sorts of time periods!

I know. I’m using previous example of this to make my point. People have tried to re-invent the wheel and it doesn’t work.

Genetics or time travel, it doesn’t matter. Let them be simple.

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Lets just pretend THe Predator 2018 didn’t exist ok?

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Most people took that as THEY LIVE FOR A LONG TIME (I’m dramatic I know)

No they weren’t


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my seconds point, well, not dramatically different…of course I’m jsut theorizing.

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It was provided by skynet

Terminator crossover confirmed!

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The real kicker…is like WHY and HOW and the POINT of them staying on earth for so long…if they travelled back and forth between their planets which would take a few hundred years I get it, but its like hypersleep specifically timed to come back to earth…Don’t tell me they have some kind of warp drive.

So a time jumping ship would make sense that is if they are from our distant distant future.
But i guess the lack of explaination is preferrable to keep the species a mystery.

Still its my fan theory and would make an interesting and simple one at that.

It’s confirmed in the predator

Fugitive comes out of a worm hole

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Well that depends…when you go hunting do you bring a rifle or a m-16? Exactly! to us we are nothing but game and nothing so far in their Universe has proven to be a threat to militarize themselves to go to war even when they teamed up with humans against aliens they still killed them with their hunting tools, making them a capable race of hunters

They go to war with each other and that needs to be explored in this game

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Nah just another hunt, people hunt people to well…illegally

I’m talking about yautja

Yes that’s the same concept remember what Nolan said in Predators, the big ones hunt the little ones “hunt”

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I guess the unravelling of their heritage is part of the lore. We get little details but nothing concrete. I like that still. And I think anyone writing the next film would add little bits and pieces just to push a story forward.

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I’m not talking about a hunt I’m taking about full blown war