Fanboys... are blind.

At first I was supporting this game. But at this point. If you look at it from a technical standpoint, this game is pretty garbage. So much bugs. Still basically a better version of a BETA. And no new maps or game modes whatsoever. And bad coms from the dev team.

If you disagree, you should read this quote: “Love is Blind”

And you are a fanboy. This game needs to get boycotted. Lmao.


Wut, I love this game. Just want more content for it.


What a compelling argument.
So when new maps drop is everyone still fanboys or no? I don’t think anyone was like “wow 3 maps this is great.”


Why not just let people enjoy it if they do so.
Sure the game needs more work here and there.
But to those who can’t stand the game anymore, just cut your loss and move on.
There’s no point to point fingers on the ones who still enjoy the game.

I haven’t really played for a long time, month+, maybe more?
But I never thought that the ones who still enjoy it should change their minds about it as I did.


Em this game is actually really damn fun lol just because u loose every match son mean you gotta complain lol


You’re just helping his argument. Yes sure I like the game, but like I lot of ppl have said. If this game had nothing to do with predator, nobody would still be here xD.


Yea fair

You know, I was really hoping for 1 or 2 maps and a new mode too. Luckily I didnt get my Hope’s up too high xD


Personally I was expecting more bug fixes than we got but the grenade launcher at least feels a lot better to use.

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Well that goes without saying, but ya know. Since they seem to not be completely concerned or focused on fixing bugs, I figured wed get new shit with how much ppl have been yelling about it.

I’d rather have bug fixes, but I do want a pred team mode dammit.

I think saying no one would play without Predator is wrong. While Predator is the reason I bought the game I’m looking forward to whatever FT modes are introduced in the future. Even if those modes don’t have a Predator.

I really want to fight an alien dinosaur, what other game of this type is that a possibility in.
OWLF and STGZ matches interest me too.

I mean heres how I see it. From a technical standpoint there will never be anything other than jungle maps. And that seems to be alot of peoples complaints when it comes to the maps. I personally think the maps offer a lot of variety and are different enough to stand out. But i also understand that they realistically can only be jungle style maps.

The only thing they can do is make bigger maps. With more objectives, and more travel time to extend the games. Im all for this. But everyone really does need to come to terms with the jungle setting.

As for whether or not people are fanboys. I personally think the opposite. I think the playerbase is flustered with casuals that may have picked the game up because of the title, but that is the extend of their fanboyness. Most of the fanboys have already cut losses because lets be honest. This isnt a predator game in anything but art design and title.

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Better than fortnite… teenage wet dream

I guarantee about 75% of the player base would not be here if there were not a predator in the game lol


More fireteam modes? Dude its generic as fuck and you want more content focused on that? lmao.
If anything they can do a mode where preds go hunt other prey, like huge alien creatures, or large groups of stuff.

Fuck humans. Humans sucks and are boring as shit.

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They can make maps where pred climbs and runs across telephone poles. Or golden gate bridge. Or he climbs up certain surfaces… we dont need trees to make this fun

I love that you put “ lmao” to try and hide how pissy and butt hurt you are about technical difficulties.

Like you’re above it 🤭🤣🤣

Yall are acting like you purchased a ps4 or a pc for the sole purpose of playing this game hardcore for the next ten years and that ilfonic have fucked up your ten year plan.

Just go back to fortnite 👍

We support this game because as adults who have grown up with the world of gaming from units like the intelevision and original Atari we understand that things take time sometimes mate.

I’ve loaded video games from fucking goddam audio cassettes in my youth that literally make the predator waiting times look like a gnats piss in the wind …

Fanboys are bwind derp derp derp.
Good job bro.


That may be but it’s still not everyone.

This is how games are now, people can rage but they take time to grow.

Im tired of mobas/ first person team games. Mmos/ rpgs/ grind fest garbage ports… original games are dead. This would be funner if it was less arcade like

That would be badass af. Fill up a “trophy room” with different types of skulls like in predator 2. Maybe even list the gamer tag of the human skulls you’ve ripped out like the dog tags in the battlefield games.