Fanboys... are blind.

They can do more types of maps and what not.
Just need to balance the game out more.
As for our current maps?

Nah man, theres no real variety at all.

Multiple camps, 3 or 4, with a few buildings.

I love the concept of the game, but the execution sucks.

From a technical standpoint those are gona be absolutely cancerous to make work.

Very true lol

What shitty games did you play growing up? Back when I played as a kid and teen, games came as finished products with barely any bugs of glitches. Especially bugs that would break the game.

You can like the game man that’s fine. I do too. But don’t try to defend how shitty it is the way they’re going about this game.

Its the locations. Train yard, swamp, (very poorly executed) temple ruins.

Im not saying they are good. But i understand the differences.

The truth is if they do a city map it wont work. Too vertical, and not enough room for pred to play around. Plus the predkour is gonna be fat cancerous to rework for that.

Predator Fan here - We know. We honestly fucking know. I mean there’s a lot of people here who are pretty ignorantly quick to defend this . . . but that’s what happens when you get people who want to justify their purchase.

I’m not gonna stop playing either, but only because I fucking LOVE video games. Even basically broken/unfinished ones. Combine that with the fact that I’m a sucker for this LP. . . but I ain’t ever gonna recommend it unless it ever actually resembles an actual fucking video game, and not an inferior version of Doom with some class selection/perk selection from COD.

I can’t / don’t disagree with much of what you’ve said. The game IS bugged to hell, and balanced somewhere below the mariana trench. . . And there’s FUCK AND ALL to even DO aside from throw the dice and hope for a fair Match against a mostly toxic playerbase of FT FPS “pro” jerkasses.

This is what happens though. Everyone is so fucking obsessed with the 87 movie, and their pseudo gay crush on Arnie to remember what even MADE the 87 Predator movie great in the first place : The Yautja’s insanely good design. It was fucking ICONIC. It was gonna be a dude in a giant bug costume before it was turned into the epic alien monster it actually is. NONE OF US WOULD EVEN BE HERE if not for the Predator ITSELF.

SO WHY are we always getting stories from THE HUMAN side of things? I don’t fucking CARE about the humans. If half of you were honest with yourselves you’d admit you don’t care AS MUCH about the humans as you all think. The Predator was the MOST interesting thing about the Original and it’s what kept this franchise on life support after several flops. Including this one.

Boycotting the game though probably won’t help it get developed into something better. . .
Does anyone have any ideas as to what went down during the games pre-release development phase? Especially vs what’s going on now? It can’t be good.


And on the flip side, other biomes wont work very well as only jungle trees really have the capability to give predkour any meaningful height advantage.

Cause they rushed the game xD.
Idk at this point we can only hope for the best.
Keep your expectations low lmao.

You mean from illfonic stand point the programming is impossible… i agree with that

My expectations dont even exist anymore. Ive already peaced out on the game.

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Yea I mean I really expected a map but samurai is enough to play with till next month and the warclub buff I’m hyped lol

Lore master its ok… I promise Gandalf the white is still alive and well

Precisely. On a technical level some of the things people want simply arent possible. Not without starting from scratch with those ideas in mind.

Well how I see it is you paid $40 for an incomplete game but as time goes on the contents gonna grow and be dope and new maps and game modes as if you paid for a $80 game lol maybe 😂🤷‍♂️

You could make maps without climbing at all. Wish there were ladders on map for ft. Its just not polished


Lol the only reason I’m not pissed is cause I’ve given up Hope’s on games and dont expect much anymore.


Once again. Then it stops being a predator game. Not that it is one to begin with. But it only makes it worse.

At the rate they are dishing out content, vs how bland and barebones said content is?.. Yeah… No.

Fair yea I agree a bit

🤷‍♂️It izzzz what it izzzzz lol