Fervent Opinions

Fervent has ruined the game for me personally, it’s too easy to kill Fireteam with it and when you play against it, specifically along with Downrange results in one shots of most classes, people leave the match when they’re downed, guess what, Fervent activates again. Matches are too one sided with this specialisation. Play against it or play using it, you’ll understand what I’m saying.

But until this specific specialisation is nerfed or even removed dare I say, I won’t be playing as Fireteam. I personally will not run this perk as it’s boring and the matches go by too fast.

Edit: Minor Overreaction. I explain later in the thread.

Field medic


Field Medic is pointless against this perk.

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My take on this… I didnt rebel against illfonic adding all the decloak and emp grenades and spotting gear for fireteam and allowing spotting for 9 seconds and spamming it… but now i will cause now predator is heading right direction of being this op creature if you DONT hide you will be easily killed and easy prey lol… but if you properly hide and bait predator he will get downed easily… nothing has changed lol all stats are pretty much the same… so like right now its up to common sense and knowledge and for community to not be so narrow minded…

Lets go trough some things first okay.

  • Cloak is pretty much useless
  • Clicking is annoying and gives out your position, unless ur running scout and disciplined specialization
  • Predator weapons all have bullet drop and are affected by laws of physics
  • Predator can still be easily downed lol if you are up against a skilled sniper rifle user
  • Predator literally can’t do shit anymore in close combat considering all the content fireteam has at its disposal for like disturbing predators cloak or spotting him.

The only fact i will admit is that new players or casual players will be struck by this until they learn that they need to take covers and play stealthy


Yes those are your opinions, that is mine. And this if from me playing as both Predator and Fireteam against this specific set up. This perk has made a lot of people rage quit because it’s unfair in general, it’s literally forcing kills and this is even against potato Predators.

And you know the cause of that? Cause illfonic allowed it to be like that and people got used to being hand fed by illfonic if you are playing fireteam and you played careless… i mean you still can play care less lmfao… its not even that big of a difference

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im not noticing a huge difference in damage with the perk.

Its just going to take people a while to adjust to it i think.

The best use of the perk is not to kill anyone but rather use it to heavily damage all the team and make them use all their medipacks.

If it reactivates when one leaves tho, that could be a problem, but the % damage buff just needs to be scaled depending on how many players are present.

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Exactly … people are way too adjusted to being hand fed easy carless traversal and gameplay on fireteam side … people dont even play stealthy at all

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Raising downed FTs is considered an interaction, correct? I wonder how much extra damage will Tactician perk do on those situations. Plus, i think it works with traps also

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I play Scout Duelist mainly, so I’m always hopping and running around, not fun when you get one shot by a frisbee.

ok well now we are in a different play here lol…

smart disc is not the same as specialization and its not only affected by them… u have pred perks too for it…

i think if you are playing with randoms then this was always too easy to kill uncoordinated team, but thats not a problem with predator damage its a problem with lack of coordination.

Its essential to communicate with the team and someone has to be on comms to command and lead and call otu atleast. if the others have it off and dont listen and run off alone, there is no balance change that can make that work.

Play with a decent team and youll see that the new perk isnt a massive change.


Yeah it works, the damage is good but not as insane as the set up I mentioned.

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i mean its funny to hear fireteam complain about insane damage really.

noscope assault deadly and a good sniper and a greneade and 2 people can kill a pred hunter in about 5 seconds or less.

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Its good that there’s variety cause most likely a nerf to feverent is on its way

bro i was testing only pc squads today and its still very hard to win man i barely got alive lol… only reason why i won is cause they rushed and made mistakes + i ran net gun

i literally had my heart beating and its not right… thats not what its supposed to be lol

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those guys are good players, and if you can actually beat them some times thats a good step in thee right direction…

I mean, if all the “top players” are coming here saying its impossible for them to win then id pay more attention, but its day 1 of the patch and i think more time is needed to see. calling for nerfs already isnt the way.

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id bet in fact the top teams still say its too easy to win… so give it time people.

@Scarface_1983 have you and your squad noticed you are losing a lot?


I know what you are saying, of course with coordination it doesn’t seem as bad but my friends who I tested this build out against didn’t even last 6 minutes, they were all being field medics as well with extra health. I personally was surprised when there was no Fireteam nerfs but I see why now. 😂 But I’ll pass on playing as Fireteam until next patch, the vert can wait.