Fervent Opinions

And remember this is me with randoms xD i havent lost a single match yet… idk if the kick is meant to be a lost match due to connection issue

But yeah im chilling i like it when i give pred free time to breathe and involve a fight between us while AI is coming… then i use impact grenades on ai and use revolver on pred

Ill probs keep doing the same until smth major happens and they make maps larger and objectived harder and longer

Good strategy.

your net macro still working? any changes there?

Idk before that i used to finish matches in a min or two depending on how predator plays with the auto sniper and take off bio mask and ruin the guys will to play cause he cant do shit anymore… and it made me sad

At this point I’m just playing to chat online with friends, the game itself doesn’t really entertain me as much anymore.

Since I only play FT I feel like we need more customizations for weapons and clothing just to add a little more variety and maybe a few new weapons, nothing op just different.

Takes two seconds with Trapper, so it’s a lot slower than before.

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ok thanks

U know what the fix is for that.


Puzzles and tricky objectives will be more interactive with fireteam and preferably even building handmade traps u find from collecting items around the map such as rope if they add it.

I also wish they added stealth kills for fireteam so u can hide in bushes and it automatically makes u stealth mode if ur mudded and u cant be seen by AI… maybe not even by pred if he isnt good.

So this would give out more fun i guess

Cutting the AI throats or stabbing them in back… even hiding bodies would be dope

I was testing it with a friend from the forum earlier in privates and he was able to do it just as fast with his controller, he plays PS.

They changed how swapping speed interacts with weapon… there is a slight delay now by like 2 seconds i noticed too.

maybe they should make it so u have to press 2 buttons in random order as it comes on screen :D lol

LMB RMB LMB LMB RMB LMB RMB RMB LMB :) different pattern each net . that would make it more panicy … haha

But maybe also annoying

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If ur talking about escaping net gun needs a puzzle that is also great idea and if u fail it becomes harder to do and if u fail multiple times it makes it unable to escape by your self

Gg ive done it… best net gun idea

For pred or ft? Because the preds animation canceling is still there, we did a lot of testing earlier and you can still do insta double and triple hits with pred weapons, of course if you’re on PC. I don’t think it’s doable on PS, I could be wrong, but my PS friend could not replicate it.

Ok, so after my mild panic attack, I’ve come to the conclusion of that this is Illfonics way of giving Predator a chance against pre-mades and that it will make pub lobbies a lot more easier, like I just got a double down with disc whilst nearly dying through lag, I don’t play much Pred but I recorded it cause it was the only set I actually did have a chance with.

But shall I post it?

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For both, revolver swap and knife hit feels slower and so does changing weapons affects how fast u can use it

But it also might be my poor fps and latency the issue

Ah got ya, I never use the revolver since the nerf months ago.

Its still strong lol… less stronger than sniper but its like portable semi sniper

I like how the Predators are hard to fight now. I’ve been having a blast playing as ft.

I believe I matched up with you on the new map lol. The darn sickle player lol with the orange Pred.