field medic.

What were they? The patches blend together for me

I need to try this, hahahahaha

Also, they nerfed the alpha sickle for the predator. Probably should have left it that way.

ā€œIs anyone among you in need of patching up? Let him call for the elders of the jungle, and let them hold square over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Field Medic. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Field Medic will raise him up, and fast as fuck, boi. And if he has committed sins, he will be claimed.ā€ - Zeus 5:14-15


That got me good. šŸ¤£ Nice work.

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The only way they abuse Field Medic is being a clumsy V raiding potatoeā€¦which when matchmade with 3 PS FT player hapens alot!

But in IMHO, if youā€™re doing a PC party with one PS predā€¦Id say choose a challenging loadout and you dont even need to talk about FM because you wouldnt be using it.

I know you guys love to say ā€˜nerf the fuck out of everythingā€™ thinking on the most lowest common denominator side of things. It just goes to show ppl who do PC parties need not even talk about itā€¦Just dont use it.

Just because you dont use it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a problem.
I dont use it either but it still fucking exist.

Iā€™ve never wanted to nerf everything, Iā€™ve just been trying to get this game to be balanced.

And here with this whole pc vs ps4 thing.

Itā€™s a problem no matter what you play on.
Seriously man, you guys play a bit better, but you arent smarter.
Not only that most of you have a cockiness Thatā€™s easy to exploit in a match.

Iā€™ve played quite a few matches vs pc players in this game, and whether it be some cheap exploit or hack, or, performance issues that makes it feel or look like hacks, shits waaaay to suspicious vs some pc players.

Whether You agree or not, or think so or not, thereā€™s a LOT of players who love to cheat because they are obsessed with winning.

And with pc since itā€™s easier to do so on there,
Its hard to tell tbh.

That aside, the problems Iā€™ve Mentioned for months apply to everyone because unlike the stubborn assholes that play this, I dont try to analyze balance based purely off certain Players or variables.

I do it purely off the characters and stuff in game.

Essentially, if we had good A.I.
and it held a match or several matches with itself, who would win?
With both sides being set to the same skill level?

The ft. Hands down. Every match they would win.

All Iā€™ve ever tried to do is make the game balanced. For everyone.


Thank you @Fire. I wanted to reply as well, but Iā€™m a little tired of the forums and couldnā€™t find the motivation. You hit every issue perfectly.

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I know itā€™s a simple one but can we go back the predator being able to change his weapons while leapingā€¦ I never understood why that was removed.


Was that ever a feature? I donā€™t recall that

Yes it was I donā€™t remember what patch they changed it but you could leap and switch your weapon in the middle of the leap.

Thatā€™s still one of the dumbest and most annoying changes.

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Pointless nerfing just to nerf something.

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Yeah. This was a bad change.


OG Dutch + Bane + Deadly + GOSL-R



My last game of today:

Dutch 87 OWLF + Mud + Tick Skin
Support close to me
Predator slam me
I got 20 damage from 180 t0 160, nice game


Oh, it was glorious. Mid leap equipping weapons, it looked fantastic. Why they removed that feature makes no sense.

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Just a hunch but maybe they figured it led to more bugs so they probably just canned it instead of fixing it.

We should be able to fire our bow and Hand held caster mid leap, thereā€™s no reason why we shouldnā€™t. They cannot possible tell me that a Predator wouldnā€™t be able to do that, Scar pulled off an ace maneuver against the Queen xeno mid air with the combi. I want to be able to do that, we need some sick mid air attacksšŸ˜ˆ