FIND THIS PHG Video, an obscure LOL from Beer warrior

Two things.

  1. Y’all are ret4rded, I ain’t falsely remember shit. I even showed you proof.
  2. Why am I being dragged into this?
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The horse tranquilizer for the sleepy rifle is with my daily medicines. Look for the bottle labeled ‘Ketamine’ in the 3rd drawer of the trailer lab

The .50 BMG is in the usual spot with the other sniper rifles.

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I feel ya there. The plot ain’t bad for the sequel, but it’s nothing groundbreaking. I don’t remember it as much as the OG either.

I guess that’s another reason I love Blood Meridian so much. It’s relatively unknown outside of dark literature circles.

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I don’t think the tranqs are gonna do it, he’s on shrooms, and everything else we got there, I already found him though

mistress-gif on Tumblr

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@Anyt1m3 You remeber?!!

Look in search ‘screenshot’. Maybe you’ll find something there

One of them, but there may be other threads


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You know what the fuck you did

Take the shot. He’s distracted and won’t know or feel what happened until his next regeneration cycle.

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Hes tryna gas light us!!!

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From what I remember it was a lot like Alien, but I might be misremembering it.

And exactly, there’s still so much to say about that story that ain’t been said a thousand times.

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Well jokes on him I already huffed the gas fumes.

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Goodnight Mass
Junk Food Cinemas


It’s like if you mixed alien with the original thing.
An alright film in it’s own right in a standalone setting, but not nearly as remarkable as its predecessor is.

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Let me help you. If there is no video then there is no Mass Video. No Mass Video means no life!


He’ll begin regenerating at midnight tonight and be fully back tomorrow morning, you want me to go ahead and transport him to the secondary location?

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That really is the perfect summary of it, and a lot of other films like it

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I think he needs to stay in the containment cell we made for him instead

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You know you’ll just regenerate like all those other times.

Yeah but sometimes my brain works differently. Proabbly because brain matters.


Gotcha, I’ll do the security diagnostic checks and make sure he’s actually inside it this time

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