Fireteam can get on rooftop.

I will never stop playing with my food. Lol.

You sure it wasnt from below ? Directly underneath you?

I want you to know, that at 2:30.

That man was surrendering.

You can’t see it but he was not expecting that fight 😂


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Lmao these guys were rowdy as hell. They put up a good fight. But that one guy I slammed on the tower. That was the highlight xD.

No snipe spot for you.

I’m pretty sure there is nothing else below me bro I was on the roof on the highest one there’s nowhere they can get on my level makes no sense I had a tracking device down so I knew where they were but I was getting hit from everywhere all sides they were shooting me through everything

You by any chance record it? Hard to tell what happened just by your explanation.

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Naw didnt have time to record it I dont need to prove anything to you that’s why I was asking if anybody came across this exploit lol.number 1. you can never expect the unexpected that was unexpected so obviously I’m not just going to sit here and say oh let me sit here and record this I got to make sure I record this moment doesn’t work like that lol but naw I didnt record it I wish I did tho I left super quick so I was like nope not dealing this

Ok so you ran away.
Look man. I’m only trying to help. You asked remember?
A vid would be the best way to figure out what happened.

But if your just going to have the “I dont got to prove anything to you” attitude, idk how you expect anyone to help. Like seriously man, I asked sincerely and here you are giving me a smart ass answer and tryna act all hard lmao.

I’m only tryna help bro. Cant stress that enough.
If you run into anything that you think is a glitch or a hack, record it. It helps.

It’s pretty easy to get up there and I find VT up there all the time so it’s obviously intentional.

guess they need to fix the fall damage for fire team lol

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To get on the roof, many roofing companies install special rings and holders. UPD. Yes, after 2 years!!

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Why in the flying monkey fuck did you reply to a thread that has been dead for 2 YEARS?!?🤣

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Why this is in bug report !!!

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Why is the damn door not fixed yet?


Did you notice the exile predlocks still aren’t fixed

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I did, they truly are incompetent aren’t they.

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Let the hate flow through you.

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Good question


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I mean I completely agree its bullshit.
But fak yu.
Rage rey.