First banned man of the new forum regime

So you thought it was back to the wild wild west huh?

Can’t talk your way out of authoritarianism…always said it’s Illfonic’s house…Illfonic’s rules.

@fire probably deserved it, but @REYNOSO_FUA11 should never be banned.


Trix are for devs silly forumers

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You have a Maddie, you have a problem. No Maddie, No problem.


Most of the time I didn’t even do anything. Nomad kept spamming videos in threads until I called him out with the cited rule, I then got banned for spamming, gotta love the irony.


A thorn is a thorn, a rose still the same…

She was neither, but both, people need to lighten up

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I know you always do the right thing. That’s why you’re my favorite

Edit: Fuck fire…I have to love your brother even if I don’t want to…

No you don’t, you can hate him without showing love or respect.

Prove it

I mean it’s Fire, do I need to prove anything?

No…not really but if I don’t defend him I get spammed cat pictures of @TheSenate and I can’t handle that right now. That’s between us though got me?

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But @TheSenate hates him too

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Loves to take a picture of the body that one

You seemed to enjoy the idea of taking pictures of my body in the catmaid suit…

I WAS DRUNK DAMNIT! Stop taking me seriously!

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And I was high from coming off anesthesia & pain meds from my surgery! You knew damn well I’d do it, now you’ve got to live with the consequences like I do!

Y’know what Fak all y’all!


God damnit boy I told you not to say anything now they’ll think I’m @John_Herbert

if thats the best you got…ill pass.

Naw, you’re good because I’m too old for Herbert The Pervert.

Temptation strikes when you least expect it padawan…learn well

Oh, this just happens to be a simple misunderstanding Cadillac boy, heheeee~

He’s got at least a 2 digit age and that’s just simply one too many for me. Now, if you have any in that category, well ol’ Herbert here is gonna have to have them help me on down to the cellar to get them some popsicles, mmmmMmMMMMmmmMmmm, nice big juicy popsicles…

With extra love,
Ol’ J. Herbert