Forum Administration and Moderation

Okay, I can actually see why you might think what you think, but that’s not it at all. It’s poorly written there. I meant really only if they’re imagining claiming Yautja girls. claiming you know? Being awarded a girl pred, by some other male pred? Like… an object?

Also the explicit nature of it vs the non sexual aspect of my very first post of trans pred guys and gals just being. That felt messed up to me.

Oh. Still. It’s only imaginary. Messed up but imaginary.

This right here. This insulting, infantilizing, reductionist comment right here is part of what I’m talking about. This right here, is bait, and I used to take it pretty easy, but how about it Courier? As I’ve explained, and as you’ll see if you review everything in order of its occurrence people like this were at it well before you banned any of my accounts. Also I literally wasn’t banned until I had melted down a 2nd time, because again, of people like this, but of course the first time it was way more intense than this.

You have to know that some people are definitely like that. I didn’t come up with ideas like that. I’m not that original.

Why are you bringing this up again?

The drama is unnecessary.

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Because drama queens feed off of this stuff, and when they start running out they need to stir up some more otherwise they can’t cope. It’s literally energy vampirism, and SJWs are the worst.

That’s actually a small story.

This account I made? I only made it recently because of patch 2.0, and for the better part of a week I had actually avoided political topics, and the drama about my first 2 accounts. I didn’t want anything to do with it. I didn’t want this “drama”, but nice of you to trivialize what’s going on with me by the way. Thanks for that. However, I found a pretty vile thread with this account, and I called out some stuff, and then someone who I guess is stalking me somewhat guessed that I was who I was, and then @OldKingHamlet was so very professional in confirming that conjecture. So, here we are.



Because drama queens feed off of this stuff, and when they start running out they need to stir up some more otherwise they can’t cope. It’s literally energy vampirism, and SJWs are the worst.

Got another one.

Energy Vampirism sounds like the name of a new age / goth techno band btw.

So you had every opportunity at a ‘fresh start’.
Noone seemed to have any issue with you in any way. So essentially got a good outcome of creating a new account, and had made multiple comments without issue.

I saw many of your comments, responded to a couple. No problem with anything.

I haven’t seen this “vile thread” you’re referring to, or the posts you made.
But you didn’t need to ‘call out’ anything. You can’t jump into the spot-light, and then complain about people focusing their attention to you in a way you don’t like.

If you’re going to comment on or create topics about “contentious” issues, you’re going to have to expect others to have an opposing opinion to your own.

I had no idea (as I expect many others did not either), that this account was in any way related to those other accounts you mentioned. Until now.

You did not need to bring this kind of attention on yourself. I don’t understand why you felt the need to.

The only reason you would make a post like this instead of PMing the known moderators directly, was to incite a reaction. Which it seems is exactly what you’ve accomplished.

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Another one? One what? Someone who’s tired of your incessant whining, and labelling people who don’t disagree with you as fascist, sexist, phobic and all the other tisms.

If someone is being blatantly sexist or racist or homophobic, call it out. The community won’t tolerate it. But you’re trying to incriminate people over what you believe to be covert operations behind the scenes.

And here you are again, trying to turn a game forum into fucking Tumblr.

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There are actual real world cultures that have practised this, still do. And maybe Yautja culture was drawing from those sources. Get over it.

Honestly I can’t even begin to bother with responding to how wrong your nonsense is right now. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t see the thread I’m referring to. Don’t be obtuse. I’ll link it later. I’m taking a break. I tagged the guy who closed it too. Get real, please.

Weak bait. Maybe go away.

Also canonically wrong since the tapes from Dutch spell out some explicitly not gender relations in what he and his unit have observed regarding Yautja Culture. Your transparency at attempting to trigger me is noted, and pathetic.

Weak argument, maybe get a life. Because yours seems to be so miserable…maybe it’s the way you perceive everything through those stupid progressive lenses. We are just here trying to enjoy a game and improve it, not debate politics and social justice “issues”.

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I went and looked at your comments, and found it easy enough.
I stayed away from that topic entirely, simply because of how ridiculous it was from the start.
I knew nothing good would come from that topic, and nothing did.
Anything to do with “Racism” has no place in a forum about a video game. That shit should have been in “Off-Topic” from the start.

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Nah, you’re actively trying to preserve a status quo where YOU are the only types of people who get to enjoy this. I invite you to continue to fail as you are.

That was my thread, which you totally derailed with your bullshit… Take a break sure because you’ve been called out again. Make it a long one. You don’t even play this game apparently, so why are you here except for drama and suck up attention? Seriously, go back to Tumblr where you will find all the happiness and platitudes you think you’re entitled to.

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You aren’t smart. Video games don’t exist in a vacuum that makes them racism proof.

That was my mistake, but General Discussion seemed appropriate because it was franchise related.

No, just trying to keep stupid politics and “muh Elder Class is gender locked therefore the Devs are being sexist!” bullshit out of this forum and game.

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