well you are rebooting your dead team mates since reinforcements are people that are not dead, that come to help. i understand your confusion using American English though, all is forgiven.

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let’s do this. send invite

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it was no typo, just a melon wanting mercy Jim was not ready to give

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Tell him sign the contract … let’s do this

We’re 2 short yet.

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Its a 2 man job


Hop on then

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that’s what @Anonymous.Voorhees13 said, then he lost 3 in a row with his 3 man team LOL

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Tbh … I just said that … for dramatic effect😂
Idgaf even if I lose … Its just a video game for me😂

What 🤨

Sorry. Wrong reply

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ok it’s moralez84?

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I assume you’re from US. I’m from Europe. Are you sure you wan’t me to host?

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i know. it’s funny cause he calls everyone potato FT but when he plays in a squad gets clapped off Jim without the axe multiple times. Kid is a comedian 😂

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Yes. I’m on your friends list.

Pred hosts

ok I went private but it doesn’t let me invite u

Champ is from the USA … ima have 300 ping … God bless me

The CHAMP should host, fair playing field


300 ping as FT is a lot more playable than Pred on 100+

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