Free version of the game

Agree, its the devs who don’t provide any training missions or a proper matchmaking. Its also unfair for predators when PS predators ends up against a full PC premade.

i agree

I would say a free version of this game would help to a extent but the way The game is set up these players would be at a extreme disadvantage in gameplay.

These players would need the perks that will allow them to fight back to retain them and also if they have played the free version and they buy the full game, give them something like being at level 50 after purchase so they keep playing cause if they have to start as base level every time they ply the free to ply or if they buy the game and have to start over they will not stick around long enough.

In fairness the reason I say you can’t balance around potatoes is I play with 2 potatoes all the time and we still casually clap the cheeks of every predator we see. PC and Console both included lol. I’m also 99% sure you play lots of FT, and I’m 99% sure you must also be clapping most predators you play

How bout in the free version you still just level as normal… and unlock FT gear normally? Lol

What I argue about is when you balance the game, is to take into account the vast majority of teams will have potatoes on them, so don’t balance around good 4 man premade. They need to find a middle ground.
I win myself like 80%+ of games.

When most people(this is a large assumption cause who fuckin knows what some people think on this wack forum) say balance around the PC pre made or whatever, I think we just mean, make it fuckin possible to win lol. Which I mean it is possible as is. Just like gigantic difficulty spike. Which is why I think things like more predator gear would help further balance that aspect, while also not making the predator insanely difficult for randoms to face

And at that, like any other game, I know it can be frustrating to lose very quickly, and as shitty as this sounds, that’s the nature of a game like this. If the person playing the Monster in Evolve, The Killer in DBD, or the Predator in Hunting Grounds is just straight up better than 2 of your 4 players, you will probably get slapped around.

I don’t want to sound rude but IT IS possible to win if you’re good enough, at least if you’re on PC, can’t speak for console.

Like I said it is possible. Mentioned that lol

Right sorry, I am playing the game at the same time as I am writing here. Just had a duel with a samurai pred with a kanata, did not kill him but I made him leave.

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I said it’s just a noticeable difficulty spike. I should have mentioned I’m on console and still kill PC 4 mans, you just have to understand the game and play entirely differently. Like 100% differently lol. As in play like a giant bitch and run away, do super cheesy plasma charges hidden and pop up to full power blast them, roof slam, run away. Roof slam. Run away. Ya know. All the lame shit. And I don’t think that’s very fun for either side but that’s what the game currently calls for on console to beat PC premades. I just don’t have the control over the smart disc like some PC players do to yeet it into people for double slaps for quick downs lol

Excellent work lol

I was left behind as I was reading/typing here and he found me and jumped on me lol.

I’ve lost today as a 3 PC + 1 PS against a PS predator. Made mistakes but we did lost. Turns out I am glad we lost, he let the PS guy reinforce, the other 2 PC guys left and then we had a nice chat about politics as he helped us finish the mission and evac. Yes, technically he lost but only because he let us win.

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Well good work not getting chopped up lol. And yeah also keep in mind you always probe as the predator sometimes PC dudes are chill and play casually then you can have fun and play normally, but sometimes you see it’s a 4 stack of PC and the moment you get within a hundred yards of them (no shit) mayyyybe a small exaggeration maybe a bit closer, you get triple tagged with snipers lol. So you figure out what the deal is and play accordingly. But I think people’s frustration comes from not knowing how to adapt and play these teams. Because you 100%(atleast on console) need to go about it an entirely different way

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So like this guy probably noticed or thought a member of your squad wasn’t super good so thought it would be fun and not Uber risky to let the revive happen and play some more. Which is dope and fun. But usually with 4 sweat mongers you never let that happen cause you’re like uh fuck that hahah

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Well PC players have a clear mechanical advantage over PS players. Personally I would tweak the matchmaking so PS predators can’t be matched with 4 PC players. Its not that they can’t win if they are really good but I find that not fair. 2 PC + 2 PS seem like the perfect balance point.

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2 people left so he calculated it was just me and the PS guy. The risk was minimal, so he come up to the PS guy and started doing the crouch of peace, the PS guy did the same then when I was reinforced we started to chat, really friendly dude!

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And the very few that fuck with the graphics give PC players a bad rep. It’s rare but I’d say I’ve seen it like 5-10 times in my like 10 months of playing the game and it’s absolute aids

Oh that’s the best hahaha I hate when I give the white flag crouch to the last FT kid but he just freaks the fuck out and lays into me

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