Free version of the game

The Graphics thing was relevant back before the cloak buff, right now you can see the predator better if you up the graphics. That said I would not put the blame on PC players who tweak the gfx, I would blame the devs for allowing the exploit and not doing shit about it for countless months. Personally I would never play with shitty gfx even if I would have an advantage, I play for fun and that’s not fun.

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Yeah I’m hip. That just seems like a very lame way to play. But with all this said beating the PC pre mades is actually way more fun. Cause the game lasts ya know. 10 minutes not 2-3. And when you finally catch them slipping it feels wayyyy better. Something about claiming the scout who’s been Horn Dog chasing you around the map and interrupting your heals for the last 12 minutes feels better than just claiming the kid you leaped on in the first 120 seconds of the game and slap the shit out of lol

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To answer your question no I normally don’t enjoy mashing potatoes. I’ll smack them around a bit and If they don’t quit I let them win. I try to teach sometimes, because let’s face it illfonic is not making a tutorial for FT videos and I’m not exactly high on the YouTube search when you look for the game so my vids do about as much good as the potatoes. If we don’t teach them though who will? I expect everyone to play like me and try to coach and all that. But I can ask.

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This is where single player would come in handy. Maybe they get, a couple tips in the campaign? Lol


Yeah but everyone wanted single player pred so…I just don’t see it working out unfortunately.


Yeah fuck that. Some of us are more than happy to take on 4 man PC teams

Ha! I quoted the wrong text. Meant to quote the bid about no console preds vs PC teams

See, that is my point, those games are not fun for both sides. We need training mission as well as a proper matchmaking to try and place new players with new predators or less skilled ones.

Good job on creating training vids.

Well then, perhaps make it optional, you need to be really fucking good to do it. I’ve seen people saying they turn it off to avoid PC premades.

It’s “not fun” for experienced players. I’m sure the kids are having a grand ol time with me stalking them. That’s our problem not theirs. To be honest we don’t know real numbers on the player base so it’s hard to tell if there’s enough for skill or level based matchmaking

Right now obviously not, the que for preds is shit. Now if they implement what the OP asked, and make it free for FT players, we would get a big influx of new players, to those I would say to implement the matchmaking as well as training missions. Basic things, like parry the predator X amount of times, I am sure we have countless people who don’t know about parry.

they can make it “partially free” full items/perks/gear but limited ft classes *
and ofc we need ft tutorial (so players learn how to spot the monster/how to defuse etc )

They need to give at least some type of options that are meta something. If not you screw over the rest of the team.

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This game as many before it, is plagued with Potatoes

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I don’t see why they can’t just have everything on the FT side if this happened

I would not mind. I was just asnwering WnsJimbo. We can’t limit the FT to much or they would be a detriment to the rest of the team.

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we can have limited ft version , free version can only have 2 ft classes (Assault +1 other) all classes are balanced so there is no point for not having limited version of the game

The best thing they could do right now is put this game on STEAM and give a good discount. You will get a lot of new players.

they should put it on steam but they need free version too
free games always get more players than “non free games”
and they can get money from free version , someone of the players gonna like the game and buy the full version to try predator or buy some ft dlc (they can have cheap ft dlc wich unlock all ft content without buying the full game if they dont want to play predator ) its win/win situation