That’s how Outlaw and Maximiliano play when they’re grouped up, they’ll enter a lobby and check the Pred’s completion percentage, I think they said if it’s under 50/60% they back out. I guess that makes some sense, you want a good challenge, but when it’s been almost an hour and we haven’t been in a single game, it gets tedious.

Git Gud got to kill them before they leave the menu lol 😂 jk

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How much percent do you have ?!
If you are on Playstation , ofcours we leave if we saw a noob predator with 10% game trophy

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Completion percentage? Like how much trophies/achievements they have?

Kaka kaka kaka kaka

Yes, exactly that. Unless the player has their game profile set to private, in which case its up to our host if they want to stay or leave. Its based on the assumption that anybody over a certain percentage won’t be a boring potato

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I believe I’ve set my game profile to public to avoid this problem, but I sit at a nice 90%. That’s just for completion, I’ve put a few hundred hours into actually playing the game.