FT Spots PRED from anywhere and any distance. This is no hunt.

It happens, I do it all the time. Just some teams are way tougher than others, and have to be paying attention to each other.

I see this game going the way of evolve

Not necessarily, I think there is some hope

Idk I main as a pred and have seen it drop bad. I had killed 2 of the fireteam and had full health. But somehow even though I landed next to one and started attacking with the combi stick they killed me before I could even down him. That’s just not right.

I’m a pred main and I haven’t died since level 62, and the last three days I have been playing FT, it’s ridiculously easy to down a lot of these preds. A lot of the shit they do I’m like wtf were you thinking…

See for me I don’t take chances. Somehow ill be crouched not moving in a tree or on a building then outa nowhere they start lighting me up. By the time I jump away I’m at half health. Think of all the stuff making us vulnerable we do a slam weapon stuck in the ground and if combi stick you have to twirl it not to mention if you do a stealth kill and one sees you

It should take more than that. If just sticking together is all it takes then serious buffs to the games namesake are needed.

Target isolation only works if they’re not mudded up and is a broad area of where they are.

Whats so hard to grasp about that?

Seriously, the game has tons of bugs and wrong text boxes.

Once you know how it works in gameplay whats hard to grasp about it? So what the details wete listed wrong. If you’ve played this long, you know all the maps have 3 major points/bases, 2 leaps over you’ll hear them and thermal shows sound bubbles no matter what.

The spotting thing as annoying it can be is so laughable its not right.

Once you get spotted, hit the trees if you weren’t there already, leap branches, so many players cant keep ADS on you when you leap around fast and lose track.

They spot you so what? fuck it, turn the cloak off, burn energy on some plasma caster shots instead.

If your spot complaints is because you can’t get into to melee a 4v1 then that’s your error on tactics.

Your biggest tool in fights is mobility and leaps. No joke. PS4 players have hard times keeping up with steady shots.

If you watch carefully the spot spammer is usually still, thats your target, PC his ass.

Honestly I don’t mind the spam spot because it means I get to have little remorse slaughtering the FT too soon because they wanna spam spot.

Here is so much messages! Can you say me how many fireteam members here said that spotting is okay?

Cuz you havent gone against decent ft players Mr arrogance!
When you do, come back here or record a video if you got the guts of course, Superman!
and… let me guess… I bet you are playing on pc too. AND I ALSO BET YOU PLAY AS BERSERKER. tell me
Cuz berserker is so easy that I gave up playing as him.

This forum is made of 80% fireteam players. And they all defend this “spotting” crap.
oh… There’s one more player… Superman Drakos

No, actually I’m on PS4, and I only play hunter and scout. Berserker is cheap as fuck. Don’t worry. I’m on vacation from work the next 10 days. I’ll post some vids for you.


good to know you play with those classes. I was wrong this time.

Yes spotting is annoying man, I get it. But you have to split your time between the trees and ground. If you get spotted leap out in so many different directions that you confuse them.

to me scout should be the one that should be able to carry more gears.
Berserker is almost invincible because of this and his endurance
this game is so wrong

The sad part is, you will only see one maybe two, decent FT teams in 20 matches. But I’ll record every match I play and put em on my YT channel.

Alright lemme defuse real quick.

Yes, pred stealth is shit and ft awareness of pred at all times if they actually pay attention is super impossible to counter. Other than to start playing fast and aggressive and quite literally never stand still.

And yes you will get vids as any pred because most fts are crap, but even when they arent, pred can still win retardedly easy by constantly being fast and aggressive.

The core issue isnt the fact that either team can win. Its the way either team wins that matters.

Im not fond of being forced into a playstyle every time the FT has half a brain.

Im not happy that as FT I can eat predators ass for breakfast and finish the match in the first 5 just by sound whoring.

Im not happy that as pred I cant play like a predator half the time.

Read the guide i made. It fixes everything .


Yeah man I like your fix ideas, doubt the devs will retool most aspect of the game sadly.

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The more support it gets the more likely they listen.