I get to play against these guys rarely too.
I dont get to die, but i dont win, they escape.
its totally a different level you will see.
they spot you from everywhere, and there aim is perfect
no even a speedy playstyle can prevent your life from melting away
they play with private chat too.
Lucky of you not playing against them.
And sometimes no pig spawns in the map too.
You think im lying , arent you? but you will face them someday.
FT Spots PRED from anywhere and any distance. This is no hunt.
Hes prolly talking pc ft premades. Which for me is 1 out of 20 games. There mistake is they steam roll so many preds that they make mistakes 2 min into the game
You can add me on PSN: Drakos7194, and I can give you some pointers. We have a FT team that we literally just hunt the preds in public matches. On private matches we play against each other, and rotate Pred. But, I still main predator 99% of the time.
I get those kinds of fts. The best way to counter is to really be unpredictable. Mix ranged and melee as much as possible. Or just run net gun and net the whole team in like 5 seconds and wipe them all out. That’s usually my preference.
Yes man, I get those teams as well. They die. I don’t care about hearing their voice chat. I just keep them in hearing distance and pick them apart gradually. Not saying I win every match. Sometimes one or two escape. But I haven’t died in game since 26 April.
Very true, they are overconfident
You cant netgun a whole team. Pc vs ps4… ps4 pred vs ps4 ft pred wins a lot more. Pc pred mops the floor vs ps4 and its laughable. Pc fireteam vs pc pred is the funnest matches. I put on long range bio mask and penatration. You need all the protection you can get. I rarely cloak cause its uselss
I certainly can net gun an entire team. Ive done it against pc teams that think they are so hot shit they leave me no choice but to abuse the net gun. Its my go to anti pc weapon and I never not have one.
A good ft will just knife there buddy… ez. One cs go ft member can ruin your day as well. Its an fps with no recoil. I use 50 cal second sniper and 9 out of 10 games i knock the mask off
I have yet to have a match where they can manage to get close enough to knife each other free before 3 if not all of them are netted. But I dont just net them once. I keep netting. And im very good at multi tasking wrist blading, and keeping track mentally whos most likely to escape the net next. So I can be aiming at them as they break free most times.
The only time the net gun fails me is when I have such ass ping that the projectiles are rubber banding into the terrain and shit and being wasted
I also stay fairly well removed from the objective and make long shots with the bow picking down their health and burning their heals. When they are distracted, I move in close drop traps and combistick throw, which is usually a one hit down unless it’s Dutch with thick skin, or a support. Also take out their spotter first.
I do the same but with the plasma caster as I dont rely on the cloak anymore very often. You only click when cloaked so its much easier to remain unseen if you just raw dog the trees and dont make too much noise
this is a loss!
so you lost several times actually. that explains a lot.
Eh its a loss but at least he didnt rush in and die.
I said clearly I didn’t win every match, but haven’t died since level 62, read up a bit…
Not claiming to be God here.
yeah, I didnt read well, sorry
I’d rather die than leting one chicken run away
i cant describe the feeling after this. I want to break my tv when it happens
Play as predator is live with honor
no one can escape! thats the Pred’s way
thats why this game must be balanced!
I’d rather not sacrifice my Pred on a dumb play. If one gets away from me onto the chopper, they earned that shit.
We are different players bro.
i understand you, you want to kill and survive.
I want to be a pred.
Bro, I team wipe 99% of the time. Sometimes, you just get outplayed. Those guys earn making it out. But I will never sacrifice myself on a bad play. This is an intricate game of chess.
Uploading my first match of the day while I run some stuff down the road, I’ll be back in like 15-20.