By this time, by now a few anonymous forum goers are complaining THE FUCK out of this sound effect and I"M GETTING FUCKING SICK OF IT!
Mostly I’m getting LOTS OF PRED MAINS are complaining because LATELY if you haven’t noticed, they COMPLAIN ALOT. I MEAN SO FUCKIING MUCH ITS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!
From FT point of view, ive heard it SO MANY TIMES in game, that the matter at hand and
at stake…I simply DONT GIVE A FUCK. And I’m a mad Alien Predator conspiracy theoriest and this is like small stuff!

The Reality- Its part of the roar- it can be an OUTLANDISH class of a roar. BUT IT IS A ROAR! Get it? its part of the sound effect! Its otherworldly! Don’t you get it?

SOME PEOPLE WANT TO COMMIT TO A SHIT STORM and so many people don’t get why they are doing this.

OH WAIT… Because in the real world, people complain about their weight, their job, their parents, their GF, their BF, or their looks. THey have it bad and they can’t help it.
They are addicted to alcohol. Their parents are upset at them. Their addiction is their own sadness.


I’m going to lay this down HARD! Because a sickness is NOT a fucking reason to change the art direction. Get it? Its bullshit and they know it.

I just played as Predator, and these roars are hardly an issue . I got 2 FT kills, 4 AI kills. I suck, but if I were a fucking get gud pro Pred what time do you have to even enjoy those ROARS? None?!

Its like saying I’m upset with the caviar i’m eating in my sushi.
Its like i’m upset with the speed of my Porche.
…give up. The NERVE of some people on the forums. Its upsetting and naive and UTTER UTTER BULLSHIT.
You can’t tell me that the majority of the developers aren’t on these forums spreading a toxic paradise for ppl like myself to defend the hell out of!??? I’m sick of it and i’m not going to do it.

I’ll blame illfonic for not addressing the social disparity and irony of the gaming industry. Because of what ? Pay inequality so you’ll do the unthinkable? spread bullshit?

I DON"T WANT THIS TYPE OF FORUM… CLOSE IT Illfonic. Do the right thing…which you did after the demo. Close the forums or make it better!



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Will you chill out if they buff dutch?

I slowly crept into playing as Predator…close to achieving 1Million V as a normal FT main…
The experience as Predator (my forth time) is the most crucial part of this conversation…what kind of experience of playing as predator would I have that would convert me to Yautja judaism?

Well…let this review speaks for itself.

To those complaining about the roar shit…STFU!




I would love to spend 100% of my entertainment budget on both sides of the spectrum…but the curve ball you are throwing at us which makes people go YAUTJA POWER…is a UFO…I don’t get it and I can’t identify.
Its either bullshit…or you’d be just happy with 50% of my budget. I’m glad…but you risk leaving the majority of players who have a slight interest in playing as the PRedator to being TURNED OFF.
Turn us on the right way~!

You have to acknowledge that FT conversion to Yautja enlightenment IS REAL and
…you need to GET ON IT! im serious!

Ok first of, NO ONE is driving you insane.
Look at the incomprehensible mess that is your post. Not just this one, but like 95% of them.

You went insane a LONG time ago buddy.
To the point where trying to understand you is like trying to decipher an ancient tounge spoken by a demon possessed meth addict tripping out on acid.

How are you going to complain and try to get a message across when you make no effort to write in a way that can be understood?

Second, what roar? The city hunter roar? The robotic sound at the start doesnt really make sense.
Idc tho, robot pred. W/e.

The only thing ppl really complain about is the clicking.

Third, no one asked you to defend anything.

Fourth, the only people who consider this forum that toxic are snowflakes who are easily offended.

You dont like it?
Then leave. Stop stressing yourself out.

city hunter- that is pretty the hot topic the last week or so. Well …to think the roboticnes of it…its basically 20% of the whole thing. Either way, have you ever heard the city hunter wearing the Eclipse mask while doing it? Its a whole different beast…now I almost don’t even hear it as a problem since it is such a different mask…makes it a different kind of hunter.

Beyond addressing my moniker…lets not forget the fact that there are a hell of alot of crazier killer folk who make their avatars out to be less than desirable factions of the community.
And let me ask YOU— HOW IN THE WORLD are you thinking in terms of ‘clicking sounds’ when you yourself can’t even hear them while playing?

Its about perspective…if you address these PREDATOR issues as a FTmember and not as a predator, then you exclude the experience you have as playing as a predator!

Do you understand the irony? You can’t balance a game thinking you can make the other faction better by addressing the issues experienced from THE OTHER SIDE!

HOW IS THE CLICKING SOUND AN ISSUE if you CAN"T HEAR THE FUCKING CLICK WHILE PLAYING AS A PREDATOR? That is a design feature in which is valued from one end-- NOT THE OTHER!

Let’s get something straight. I dont care about the city hunter roar. As far as roars go, I like the female pred the most.

So I’m not complaining about the roars, I think the city hunter has a goofy roar, but it’s not a big deal to me.

The clicking is a problem because it gives you away easily. I’ve adapted, but it is annoying.

So tbh, I really dont think the stuff you said here was directed at me.

But I do have a problem with you saying it’s so toxic
When the majority of people here are cool and reasonable, it’s only a few who are assholes.

TOXIC? i can’t beleive it!
What is toxxic? Toxic is when one end pits the other end of the spectrum negatively towards the other…I HAVEN"T HEard in the last month about FT being toxic towards Preds…but when something is requested from the FT side of things, the PRedator side goes into an UPROAR! ITs fucking unthinkable! Its dreadening… Its like a fucking shitstorm happening from some other war-torn side of a country…oh guess what ITS FROM A DIFFERENT alien race!

ITs from different bunch of sick headed avatars using crazy fucking killer monsters from another dimension…I guess I’m wrong about feeling this way. I should really be sensitive to them using VENOM, PENNY WISE THE CLOWN…FUCKING…BRAINIAC…>FUCKING PREDATORS MASKSS AND SHIT.

But good god manga baby…you know what i’m talking about?

There are forums which MAKE YOU Use your real photo…or some PROTAGONIST from the movie in which we are gaming in…less you become the monster you pretend to be.

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Illfonic has stated the city Hunter experience isnt currently what they had in mind so you can at least have a bit of solace knowing that, you smoked meat eating son of a gun. No one should be complaining about the roar anymore.

I don’t care for your sick headed comment. Take it back!

And here we are speaking to Illfonic in our Masks!!

Is this your reality? I don’t want to be part of it! Its sick! Its extremist!

And YOU of all people would use a a picture of yourself? Doubtful.

You keep saying manga baby.
Its link.
Shadow link.
Hes evil and will kill you.

But my avatar, nor my name on here, actually represent me.
I’m not roleplaying here, unlike you.

Clearly your not paying attention btw. Cause ft mains bitch way more than pred mains lol.

Cause you guys want it balanced around a 1v1, not a 1v4.




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Take it! You will never use it!

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Hey il be completely honest. I think you’re funny as hell a lot of the time.

I just wish it was easier to understand you when you actually wanna say something serious.

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today is not the day.

at some point ppl will understand how irrelavant it is to spout of shit from their mouths when actaulity it is really them speaking from their avatar. Other forums got it right…im just trying to show them what they got… let me be the first to crucify my account.

and I will be reborn!

I think this point has gone over all of our heads.

In a good way.

The point is to get attention. That’s it. Nothing deeper than that.

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