Hunt is a great mode and i have a hard time imagining a mode that will top it, so Illfonic has their work cut out for them. Clash is a fun/relaxing mode, but it lacks depth and so another more serious, methodical option to Hunt is needed. Gauntlet may be that mode. While little is known about it, it very probable that it will have 15 players so my suggestion will be based with that in mind.
I think that having 3 FT factions, 4v4v4v3preds fighting one another to complete objectives is too chaotic. Having preds on each side, 5v5v5 is a more in depth extension of the Clash and would require damage nerf for in order for FT commandos to live long enough to accomplish anything. Same thing can be said in a 6v6v3 mode where two FT factions compete while preds are like a third party. My objection to that is preds are out of the loop. Thus I want to concentrate on a 3v12 mode (extraction mode). Here are the mechanics for extraction mode:
There are two FT teams of 6 players and 3 Predators. One FT team starts on offense; another on defense. FTs needs to establish a communication line with Zeus for extraction. They will use a Stargazer bases to do it (any base can be used).
FT teams start on opposite sides of map, close to Stargazer base. A new FT unit (leak - comm officer) - ill call him Radioman XD, will have a radio and will be randomly assigned to one of two FT teams. He will need to establish a communication line with Zeus for extraction while the rest of the FTs guard him. If he is perm killed before communication line is established (5-7 mins) FT cannot call for extraction and only way to win for FT is to kill the preds. Once initiated, the Radioman has to stay on camp grounds so the call in not interrupted. He is the only way to reinforce also. Preds try to stop the extraction by killing the Radioman.
Once Radioman initiates contact, Preds automatically know where he is at. Until then, they can try to locate him visually (Radio backpack). The defense team tries to guard Radioman while the offense tries to get there in time to help out. (Perhaps in that time either FT team can also do other objectives but I havenāt given that much thought.) If contact is made, FT goes to extraction zone and waits another 60-90 seconds until da choppa arrives.
Preds do have access to second wind. Reinforcements call is available 30-60 seconds after an FT commando is downed, with another 30 seconds until fully reinforced.
Not sure if AI is needed. If available, they can slow down the attack team via surprise ambush and be present on bases for the defense team to take care of.
Preds start 10 seconds before the FT to scout ahead potential map bases for defensive FT. Zeus cannot be contacted while FT is in the process of reinforcements. Connection with Zeus is interrupted if FT engages in reinforcement and FT will have to restart the 5-7 minute timer for communication line to be established.
Preds may also choose to attack or try to delay the the attacking FT unit, so manpower allocation is important as they are likely to wipe out a 6 unit team. Defensive unit may allocate players to help the offense team or wait to reinforce at the right time. 20 - 25 minute time limit for this mode.
Time for events is arbitrary at this point. Please comment and give suggestions.