Yeah, but for people who prefer a little bit of order, we already have -at least- on functioning mode…:)
Gaultet mode suggestion (3v12)
I mean, I think this would work well with randoms, but pre-mades would not like all the chaos
Yes, I have to go back to work anyway, so, good night:)
Good night and that’s for your help
Not sure. This “chaos” might offer a longer challenge - for tops / premades too?
Perhaps. Need to run these ideas by more people to see how they feel about it
revised version (its getting very wordy XD) **I made a few new additions and the added some of the changes we talked about **
There are two FT teams of 6 players and 3 Predators. One FT team starts on offense; another on defense. FTs needs to establish a communication line with Zeus for extraction. They will use a Stargazer bases to do it (any base can be used).
FT teams start on opposite sides of map, close to a Stargazer base. A new FT unit (leak - comm officer) - ill call him Radioman XD, will have a radio and will be assigned to each FT team but it can only be used ONCE. He will need to establish a communication line with Zeus for extraction while the rest of the FTs guard him. If he is perm killed before communication line is established (5-7 mins), another unit can interact with the radio and continue the link up with Zeus (and so on, if that unit is killed). If comm line is not established, FT must defeat Preds for in order to win.
Once connection line is initiated, the Radioman has to stay on camp grounds so the call in not interrupted. The Radioman on the offence FT is the has a choice, either also try to link up with Zeus and speed up the extraction by 2 minutes or save it for reinforcements. If reinforcement is ordered, extraction line is temporarily stopped until reinforcement are available. Preds try to stop FT from extracting.
Once Radioman initiates Zeus contact, Preds automatically know where he is at. Until then, they can try to locate him visually (Radio backpack). The defense team tries to guard Radioman while the offense tries to get there in time to help out. (Perhaps in that time either FT team can also do other objectives such as trying to fortify the base to repel pred attacks – activate turrets, close building doors.) If contact is made, FT goes to extraction zone and waits another 60-90 seconds until da choppa arrives.
If only one pred is left before contact with Zeus is made, exfil is cancelled and FTs new goal is to hunt down the Pred. If less than 4 FT are left and there are 2 or more preds, an objective appears to initiate truce with Stargazer, upon accepting, AI appear to help hunt down preds.
Preds do have access to second wind. Reinforcements call is available 30-60 seconds after an FT commando is downed, with another 30-60 seconds until fully reinforced.
AI is located between bases to delay FTs from joining up. Also, Stargazer will intercept extraction call and will set an ambush around the exfil zone perimeter.
Preds start 10 seconds before the FT to scout ahead potential map bases for defensive FT. 5-7 minute timer for communication line to be established.
Preds may also choose to attack or try to delay the the attacking FT unit, so manpower allocation is important as they are likely to wipe out a 6 unit team. Defensive unit may allocate players to help the offense team or wait to reinforce at the right time. 20 - 25 minute time limit for this mode. If desperate preds can use an extreme tactic of going through with the nuke detonation if in second wind. Thin can wipe up many FT units and they will not be brought back if reinforce. If particulary good timing is used, Pred detonation can delay FT from getting on the choppa and miss it completely, at which point, they will have to kill pred to win.
The only point I do not agree with is:
If you ask me, it even has to be the other way round. The defensive FT just can be defensive if they are first at the location to “fortify” - e.g. snipers must have time to find a good position before the preds arrive.
Maybe down the middle then, with all players starting at same time
Maybe we also can include the idea of Thunder-Cats:
Let the defensive 6-FT team consist of 4 normal FTs and 2 civilians; whereby the civilians have limited defense capabilities but can fortify and revive.
The civilians then change to soldiers, as soon as the offensive FT arrives with a box full of arms - or alike. Or as soon, as said civilians arrive at said box (in case of the offensive FT is e.g. killed on the way).
Admittedly more complicated - but might offer additional tactical options for both sides…
I’m all for it, though I’d like @Thunder-Cats to agree to that. I do want his idea to stand out too 😃
Maybe even both FTs could consist of said 4 soldiers and 2 civilians and said civilians convert as soon as they meet one soldier of the other FT - then the uniting would get more important…? Or alike…
Ah, additional idea: the civilians could be faster (no arms…) - so that they even could be sent to find the other soldiers alone - then being easy prey an the one hand, but if the preds hunt them down, they loose time and if they do not hunt them down, they later have to face two to four more soldiers…
You see, some further twists&turns possibilities in here :)
Yes. Civilians definitely give FTs some new strategic option and will change how FT defends or how preds attack
Good. I’m happy where this is at now. I’ll add the civilian changes and read it over in a few days just to get a different feel for it
One of the civilians even could be a medic - reviving faster and with more health points for the revived after that.
Those civilians could be an ideal idea to do some “on the fly” tutorial for newbies. Limited abilities and tasks - at least before they convert. They could get into the match easier hereby…
CU then :) Good night…
Yeah. It would be good to have specific tactics units when so many FT are present instead of everyone doing the same thing
Ya. Thanks for helping me get this mode on track. Pretty much 50% of the changes /additions were because of your contribution 😃😃😃
You are welcome - it’s a pleasure to ponder about ideas with you :)