General Private Match Rules, 2025

this is just a set of rules i think are fair for privates in todays game.

Only 1 dutch, only 1 dante allowed at a time.

Chasing after second wind is not allowed

defusing is not allowed

excessive use of the plasma caster is perfectly acceptable

A courtesy set of rules already exists which also contains an additional philosophy


There are already basic rules set in place for Private Matches among the playerbase. The issue is some people decide to ignore these rules (namely Fireteam players) because they are shit & canā€™t win without a crutch class.

But regardless, if we wanted to make the game as fair & skill-expressive as possible under the current state of balancing (or lack thereof) so that the more skilled side will come out on top more often than not, I would make the following adjustments:

Note that some of these are already fairly well-known & agreed upon

General Rules & Restrictions:

  • No defusing the Self-Destruct Device
  • No Dante
  • No Support
  • No PDLs
  • No Knife Exploit
  • No Self-Revive Syrettes
  • No Tracker Perk on Recon
  • No Thick Skin Perk on Classes with 150hp or more
  • No Gearhead Perk
  • No Leader Specialisation
  • No Fanatic Specialisation
  • No Unleashed Specialisation
  • No Field Medic Specialisation
  • Maximum 1 Dutch in a Fireteam at any given time
  • Predator player is always host
  • Predator player always picks the map

The following things are technically not disallowed, but will still be frowned upon due to being obvious cheap tactics or plays that require little-to-no skill:

  • Camping
  • Triggering Exfil before at least 5 minutes of the match has passed (due to a fast mission)
  • Excessive reliance on spamming Frag Grenades, Impact Grenades & mashing Knife
  • Using Yautjaā€™s Bane Perk
  • Camping Pig/Boar Spawns to completely prevent the Predator from healing

I will gladly elaborate on any of these rule choices, although most of them should be pretty self-explanatory.

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welp guess iā€™ll have to rely on deadly and assault class passive then lmao

Thatā€™s not banned, just frowned upon, because Fireteam damage is already high enough. Especially on Assault.

im gonna make a separate set of loadouts for privates when i get home. the assault i use now really only has bane on it for pubs, making up for the stupidity of braindead teammates.

i only really use dutch in pubs when im by myself to fuck around and absolutely destroy the pred, and i dont use dante at all unless im feeling lucky and running around with the rocket launcher

I mean you could play Privates with Yautjaā€™s Bane. This is just a list of things that I specifically would change, ban, or that I frown upon for various reasons.

Heck, sometimes Iā€™m playing Privates as Chopper or Falconer against Dantes, Dutchā€™s & Supports. Sometimes I just donā€™t care enough to point out peopleā€™s crutches & ban them every game. I still win most of the time anyway. The changes I would make are based on making balance & skill-expression more prevalent than broken classes so.

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agreed. yesterday after the jim game, me, h-unit, dante09k, and his buddies played some privates. when i got pred it was 3 dutch (all with thick skin + gearhead) and a field medic. not even my tryhard scar build could stop them, and the match ended with ā€œfireteam eliminatedā€ with only one of them dead after reinforcement

im very tempted to not play with them again

but then of course none of the respectable players are online when i am, and pubs get boring after 2 matches

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You running the smart disc? Theyā€™re clueless against a good frisbee pred


i would, but i need a good 20 or so minutes worth of gameplay to warm up for frisbee

i tried a few days ago and of course, 2 dutch, 2 field medic

They are dogshit crutch players brother.

Send them my way for a Private Match & I will avenge you.

Well, thatā€™s assuming they donā€™t back out upon seeing my name, considering that at least 2 of the people you named have RQ against me in Privates the last time I played them.

Yh that can be a bastard. If you invited me & I didnā€™t join or respond via message I was probably AFK.

If thereā€™s ever a space open in Privates whenever youā€™re online Iā€™ll invite you though ofc.


thanks mate. my frisbee has not been performing very well lately. most of my gameplay consists of:

throw combistick, miss, pick it up, repeat a few times, heal, plasma, start over

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Theyā€™re clueless against anything that doesnā€™t rush in with Melee in my experiencešŸ˜‚

They cook grenades & spam impact grenades until you come in the mid-close ranges & then they just start mashing the knife exploit & somehow manage to miss every swing. They donā€™t even try to use bullets 99% of the time.

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ive 100%ed the game, but honestly i dont deserve it. there needs to be a trophy called ā€œbe good at gameā€ that doesnt exist yet and only a few people in the playerbase have earned

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Yh I rarely use the Smart Disc myself anyway. I find myself getting more value & applying more pressure with Combistick throws because Iā€™m much better & more consistent with them than the Smart Disc. It happens to the best of us. A few weeks ago I tried running Disc for a change & it didnā€™t go very well, they called the chopper quite early & I only managed to kill 3 of the 4 people left standing. I then swapped to the Combistick next game & everyone was dead in 4 minutes flat. Sometimes itā€™s best to just not overcomplicate things.

I ainā€™t the Disc Master like StUrMi sošŸ˜‚

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if i just had K+M sensitivity with my disc then i would be unstoppable, period.

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Literally any PS Predator player could say thatšŸ˜‚

I personally prefer Combistick gameplay anyway. If you rely on Smart Disc too much, your aim with Plasma Caster & Plasma Pistol will get shitty & out of practice so I think itā€™s best to stay versatile & not become a one-trick pony like a lot of players.

I know I would be. Iā€™ve considered getting a PC just for this game so I can become the best ;)

When are you usually on? Typically when I play its weekends at night, sadly, but Iā€™ve been wanting to get together and run wild like Tarzan boys.

Please for the love of God tell me youā€™re not gonna pull a naskopz or z loy yebok move & switch over to PC to become good because you couldnā€™t get good on PSšŸ¤£

Ok, soā€¦there was A TIME, a brief time, when I actually considered it. Like I would use a PC for more than just the game, like music stuff and whatnot, but I would have wanted to start fresh in PHG and try and be all elite K+M like the rest of them. Thankfully that has not come to fruition, though Iā€™ll admit the urge to rebuy PHG would be a tough resist.

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