As long as the technicality is noted then post interpretation is cool, that’s fine
General Private Match Rules, 2025
This is kinda where the levels come into this, StUrMi farmed Elite players with Smart Disc in Private Matches, and you’re talking about randoms in Publics😂
Yeah most “Pro” Fireteam players on this game are nothing without their crutches. I even tested stuff back in the day as simple as just removing the ability to spot the Predator, or adding Friendly Fire, or playing Hardcore Hunt Mode in general, and they would all immediately start whining after 30 seconds & either practically beg for the normal Hunt mode back or just quit while mumbling crap under their breath. I found it so funny listening to people rage at their teammates because they kept killing eachother by spamming grenades🤣
Yeah the rules I detailed were what I would do without the use of modifiers. I would honestly say the problem doesn’t necessarily lie with Predator health & damage output, I’d moreso say it lies with Fireteam damage output.
If I were to change those in some way to make the game more interesting, I would probably reduce Fireteam damage by 5-10% & increase Predator damage by 5-10%, so that they basically have Down Range at all times & they can now use another 3rd Perk instead of Down Range on their loadout. I’d also still probably say no Thick Skin Perk on any classes 150hp or more aswell though.
I’m not entirely sure, but I guess it just feels like the SAWZ-50 shots make more of a difference if you struggle to land shots on high ping. If you’re barely going to land any shots anyway, you might aswell make them count by using the one that deals more damage right? Hence the SAWZ-50 may not feel like it is affected as much by high ping.
I don’t really think the ping affects either of them that much though unless you’re playing on 300+ ping for the entire game, and then it might be pretty noticeable for ARs. Either way if I’m not hitting shots I personally just blame myself for it anyway. The guns are hitscan after all. If I’m having a bad day & I’m not hitting many shots it is what it is. It does become a fair shade more noticeably difficult to land mid-air Hammerhead shots consistently with bad ping though at least on PS. It’s mainly because you’re constantly teleporting around ever so slightly & it can throw off your aim sometimes.
Yup, I acknowledge the discrepancy and am still willing to face the music
If you know he’s better than you, then why are you trying to compete😂
What kind of music? Dance? I like dance music.
Honestly I want to be able to say I can hang with the actual good players. I just don’t need to be one, sort of. I don’t enjoy sweaty matches but a few pub matches is usually relaxing. Hop around, throw a few disks, happy reward win time
Well you either want to be good or you don’t😂
But you’re realistically never going to be in the conversation of Disc Master if you’re just bullying randoms with it.
That’s kind of like saying I’m a “good” player because I played privates with the Melons, Bravo, and Skywhiskerz (whatever happened to that guy) a few times. Like am I god level in pubs? Yeah, but that’s not exactly hard to do. Privates is an entirely different animal.
It’s ok though, you’ll still be disc master to me ☺️
Thanks for sharing the courtesy rules since I’m new so I know what to expect even though I usually play more with predator than on fireteam
@DISK is just being humble. He doesn’t enjoy sweaty matches but he’s way better than he thinks of himself.
Disc wise, I never saw anyone do better than @Dexter in his prime.
probably yea
The true top1orbiter
I don’t think I’ve ever seen or played with him before. I assume he’s on PC? I still don’t find PC Disc plays as impressive as StUrMi’s consistency with Disc on PS. Pretty much everything requires more skill & effort on PS so.
Riktig is on PC, he did practice a lot with it, its not all guys with high dpi that could do it like that, but he was way smarter with how to use it and positioning, game iq above most
He did manage to win vs my full team a few times with disk, which is not something many could do, Sturmi lost most games vs 3 of us.
Well you said it yourself. You’re comparing a PC Disc user to a PS Disc user. This is to be expected.
Still there is the difference in game iq and knowledge
Riktig wasnt like the normal pc disk user
Riktigt could be scary if he actually wanted to play full send, but good thing Riktigt and serious don’t really go together in the same sentence lol
Don’t be gay. All you need to follow
He is a chill troll
Great player and person