Get good

My self and Iron ran all the test today.

-The predator meta builds still work.

-Do not use a combistick, the bow does same hs dmg and is more reliable.
-Do not use warclub the tracking is trash but a full combo will down anyone since its like 190 dmg on a zerker
-The plasma caster will down any scout or recon not using hp perks.
-The bow still 2 shots scouts and recons
-They made it so city hunter cant run melee large pouch and downrange.
-Scout pred can take the same sniper shots as a hunter
-Git Good
-Still have no problems destroying Fts…git good.
-The only thing they did was increase the HP cause the AI does a lot more dmg now. They want the games to last longer and if you jump in and get reckt. thats on you. Now my assult has 175 hp/ Wtf is this.

-Besides the plasma caster hits harder than pistol in all tests we ran
-dithered lens is reallllllly hard to see like really hard.
-takes 9 shots with height advantage to kill a pred with sniper
-The masks also can take more dmg now
-Git good

Below the ancient predator decided to role play as a human.

The ancient predator approves this message. This is what happens

If you underestimate your opponents and get mad.


Very good information, thx!

i’ll come back to this when the rest of the notes are out tomorrow

if you mean fearless large pouch downrange your just wrong i’m doing it right now 4+ 3+ 4 is still less than 12

if your using down range yes it still does but if not it does not unless they already took damage from AI

when using anything that isn’t a base shot that’s true but for base (no charge) shots the pistol pulls ahead by at least 2 damge as much as 4 damage

and yeah war club is still shit
and hmmm scout takes the same sniper shots as hunter so your telling me they buffed the bullet resistance of the scout? i find that hard to believe cause it’s not in the notes unless it was always that way in which case perhaps the bullet resistance was more than i thought it was when they said it was less than hunter i took them at face value

and yes the mask has more hp that happend last patch

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still won out of 3 pc premades 2 games today… git good… and the map i lost on was train… fuck that map

So just bow and caster gee thanks OP

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Are you sure fearless perk and down range can stack together? Should be tested.

Something questionable about this video. That minigun typically needs to spin up before firing. Somehow this guy is doing it instantly.WTF?

yes they do they effect completely different weapon damage types

read the patch notes, it got buffed. ADS makes it spin.

I know, but before they were buggy. If you were using fearless and down range together only fearless worked.

But for some reason they did not stack if both were equipped at least Before the latest patches iirc

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The bow does not do the same damage as combi. Sigh

the bow does the same hs dmg as combi
its been tested

you do know tpre patch which remember this patch did BTW

that the combistick before did

and the bow before did

so how did this equate as more damage for the bow? with headshots?

i just fucking tested in last night with iron
a full 150 recon has 18 dmg left over after a charged shot with down range… either way its 2 shots to kill a scout or recon. a non charded shot does 100 dmg so bow hs still do a shit ton of dmg. What is busted are recons and scout with movement speed. They are pretty fucking fast. But also die fast

I’m talking about him going into shooting without it spinning up first. Fire btn triggers the firing but it usually spins before it releases shots. He’s doing just shots.
I just tested it out…you need to tap (right) tap(left) then hold both down.

Just saying it’s been tested does not make it true haha. I’ve played the game since launch. At no point has bow done the same damage as combi throw. You’re just spreading misinformation

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we tested both combi and bow
they both took me down to 18 hp.

Its not misinformation or there are hidden nerfs