Ghost Recon Breaking Point

Your a soldier trapped on a island, it’s got far cry elements with battlefield so you can run bases with stealth or gun ho…mostly stealth lol and it’s chock full of cameos like splinter cell and terminator so check it out! I personally got it to play as my own snake from mgs series but ended up becoming a terminator lol 😂

No way man it’s all about the senator!


Wildlands has a splinter cell mission as well.
Play both, both are good.

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“Masochism, son! We harden in response to physical trauma.”



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Sucks they removed the predator mission from wild lands.

But breakpoint is great now. And the active camouflage actually works in this one 😆

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I would have to buy the dlc though 😫

Lol 😂

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For wildlands?
Not really worth it.

Extremely short and underwhelming.
The main game is more than enough.

For breakpoint?
Yeah a few are good.

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No it’s year 1 pass for breaking point that you can play the whole splinter cell missions with Sam 😭

Wildlands was better

No the only feature that made it great is gone and it was a Predator!

LOL I JUST FOUND OUT BY THE END OFF THE GAME THAT YOU CAN HAVE A.I COMPANIONS! Lol literally been playing like Metal Gear Solid 😂😂😂

That’s not true.
The pred boss was cool, but the main game itself was really good.

I wouldn’t know I only played breaking point 🤷🏽

Yeah that’s why I’m telling you.
It’s an amazing game.

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That’s cool and I’m sad they took the Predator out but can you still get the Predator pack in the store?

Not sure honestly

Anyway I can’t wait to play the new modes I’m still doing the story and done some side missions like Terminator lol love doing it as a terminator to it’s hilarious 😂

Also saving up to do the splinter cell missions, going to make my character look like snake lol 😂

This game got too much hate , I really enjoyed it and the terminator event was fun.

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