Ghost Recon Breaking Point

Dumb ass, this shit might work on other people, but it wont on me.
You ain’t fucking special and while you’re not as stupid as they are, you’re not gonna get me to blindly agree with your feelings.

I cant explain it anymore simply.

Stealth aspects or themes does not equal a steal game.

The core is 3d.
An open map with multiple things to do.

That’s the main thing.

And all souls does is retain old school difficulty.
Shinobi for the ps2 is a souls and that’s like years before sould came out. Smd.

I’ve been playing longer than you have.

2d is too restrictive to be true 3d.
I’ve already explained it.

Plain and simple. This is fact. Just accept it.

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Do you realize how pointless all of this was?

When it’s literally every aspect of it at the for front it does

Oh really? Is that why there were stealth games like metal gear, not metal gear solid, metal gear back in the 2D era?

Fine what about rogue likes? RPG’s started in 2D how are they 3D?

That’s not even an argument. 2D isn’t 3D.

And the definition of stealth games aren’t completely open ended games.

They’re platformers with a dodge button.

The original mgs wasnt even 2d.
Come on man.
Calm your fkn need to be right.
You know if you were right I’d give it to you.
You’re wrong here with this.

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Wasn’t 3D either which is your point.

Unless you were wrong

This argument makes no sense because it acts as if you just can’t be wrong. As if you can never be stubborn. Your not some infallible dude who will never scoff at an actually good arguement. Everyone will do that at some point.

Dude you arent giving a good arguement.
And old mgs was close to 3d, that top down view.

You’re the one who’s wrong here.
It’s as simple as that.
You havent made a good arguement.

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Top down is very different from 3-D

Hell a 2D game where you fly with no limitations is literally just a top down game.

And it still loses a lot of that direction that you hold to stealth games

Why do people say this? Saying that your right doesn’t make you right

Dude accept it or be wrong. Your only options here.
I’ve already told what true stealth is.
I dont care what you think it is.
I’ve told you facts.
That’s all there is to it.

You’re wrong. Plain and simple.

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By what you told me Siege is a stealth game

Not entirely. More like pvp stealth I guess?
But that ones always kinda lame cause your opponents always know your there.

HOWEVER, you ever play mercenaries vs spies in splinter cell?
Incredibly fun and you had to use true stealth against other players or youd get fucked up.

So it can work in pvp, I just think splinter cell and ghost recon do it better than siege tho siege is more action.

Like I said tho, mark of the ninja might be good.
I prefer 2d to be like megaman, metroid, castlevania,
Sonic, ect. Never was a fan of puzzles or gimmicks in 2d.

The reason it doesn’t work as true stealth is because 2d is too restrictive.

But that’s not to say it’s a bad game. It looked kinda cool.

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