Ghost Recon wildlands game-Predator


This is exactly what this person lives for and if you call them out, you get put on ignore.

It’s funny, you can kind of guess which threads they will pop up in, and you can count on them sliding in here on patch day.


It’s extremely hard and if you don’t have a good team you’re going to die over and over again it requires teamwork I wish it would be more like this game but it’s not sadly

Dude the pred boss fight isnt that hard and it was fun as hell. I wish the pred was kind if like that in here.
To this day one of my favorite boss fights.

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Bro it was hard and I don’t suck at games we died over n over lol but eventually beat him though lol

He should have been overpowered in this game to make the fire team work together he’s already an overpowered character anyways so and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing LOL he’s miniature Hulk

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Oh it took me a few tries. Like very first time I beat it took like 5 tries.
But god… I fkn loved it.

I had a lot of fun playing it. Like I’ve said before, one of my favorite boss fights ever.

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Yeah he was on some real shit, he wasn’t no bitch lol.

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Ya me to lol I hated to kill him but it’s a game but I’m a huge pred fan lol haha definitely was super fun though

People wouldn’t be able to handle that in here

Lmao ya id lose my mind eventually xD

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So if I just buy the standard game, the Predator mission will be available in game? Dose that mean we get the gear that comes with it after we defeat it, like Weapons, Shirt, Tattoos, wrist blades etc?

You get some of the stuff, not all tho.
I forget exactly what you get for killing the pred.
But it’s a good game all around.

It’s a Mask but not the same as the Predator Pack but this video inspired me to buy the game and get the gear 😂

I fkn love wildlands. Theres a splinter cell mission, and a few other special missions that reference other ghost recon series.

One of the special missions even gives you a cloaking device, so you can fully dive into predator mode xD

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The Predator Mission is for free in Base Game.
You get some goodies from it such as the accurate Bio-Mask.

Buying the Predator DLC will give you a more visually pleasing Bio-Mask to use that fits with your outfits and provides Predator Thermal Vision.

Also comes with Movie Gun and Wristblades for stealth kills.

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There is a free Pred mission and some free character content. Not sure if the paid stuff is still up. Should be. The paid mask is better then the free one you get when the mission is complete. You can essentially make your entire squad look like the Emmisary Preds that never made it into The Predator. There are wrist blades for CQC too. And, if you complete the mission with Future Soldier (also free) you get a decent cloaking device!

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I just played this on ghost recon a couple days ago. You can in fact play the mission and unlock the goodies. And a few days ago the actual Predator bundle you buy from the store was up for grabs too. Which I also bought. It comes with some cool stuff including the complete Predator helmet which changes your standard thermal vision into Predator vision and the wrist blades can be used as a CQC and with sweet stealth kills too! It’s alot of fun! I highly recommend it!

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It took Sooooo long for ubisoft to get the thermal vision right, but it was worth the wait.


My experience with Wildlands hit a rough patch when I ran into a launch issue. I enjoy the game, but this bug meant I could only play it briefly, which was frustrating.

See if you can get it working. It’s a really good game. Especially if you love the genre.