Give your honest opinion please

Maybe if the weapon roster wasn’t complete trash

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If you do this and wipe a team quick, you end up with less than 8 k experience.

If you extend a match and be stealth around ft and push for those stealth kills 15k +.

The unfortunate thing about this gameplay is its not necessarily an exciting way for FT to experience the match.

Sorta like when you have a hook camper on DBD.

Should we get a “how did you enjoy that match?” Rating system post match? Could assist with people staying till the end and providing input on their games???

@OldKingHamlet @Courier

Make it happen! Saves you guys sifting through other reports!

how dp you animation cancel that sounds fancy and pro as f i love animation cancels

If This game isn’t going to get any more new maps it’s going to be dead in the water.

If you can keep the FT guessing and your not using Exploits then all is fair in war especially when there are not posts from the FT asking if any of the common things they do is “scummy” like running 4 field medics or the Royal Flush ECT. Doing what you gotta do without being an actual cheater says your good in my book at least, how challenging and rewarding the fight is, is up to you just know none of those FT members feel bad when they shred you into wet green paper 👍

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