share the link of one single consumer grade router that uses “fiber ethernet”
More over, share a single product I can buy on amazon, hell, even on wish or aliexpress, that is a “fiber ethernet” cable
Fiber is used (aside from some internet providers) to interconnect servers in server racks, usually in businesses. There is not a single computer board that has fiber connections that is not a server. Moreover, there is not a single gaming console with a “fiber port” to connect to a “fiber router”.
You just googled some shit you don’t understand to try and look like you know what the hell you are talking about and can’t even understand what you are reading.
The article is talking about the difference between fiber and ethernet connections. Not that “fiber ethernet” exists (hint: it doesn’t).
Interestingly enough, it mentions ethernet cables are made out of copper (LMAO) something that, according to your statement, was phased out 20 years ago (LMAO)