Hand Held Plasma Caster Needs...

  • Plasma Pistol Needs A Buff
  • Plasma Pistol Needs A Slight Buff
  • Plasma Pistol Is Good Where It Is
  • Plasma Pistol Needs A Nerf (wrong)

0 voters

I personally think it needs a slight buff in damage or firing speed, or the recoil needs to be reduced back to what it was.


Option 5. James Cameron


So the handheld needs to either revert to the quick fire rate it once had or have a secondary fire mode that lets you charge it


Keep the accuracy and recoil just buff the damage a bit and stop the projectiles from spazzing out in every direction.


Gid rid of that god awful camera shake and raise the fire rate and increase the splash damage, or make it like a shotgun and increase plasma spread and damage up close.


Wish it had a better reticle instead of the tiny single dot.


Would be better if you could aim it in 1st person.

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Always the best option!

Unloaded five shots on a Dutch 2025 nearly point blank to the back of the head as he was picking up his dude and he didn’t go down. Pistol needs a significant buff.

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There is only one way to use the HH PC, and thats up close like less than 20meters and standing above victims. There is no other way. The HHPC sucks but if you like it, it could be good. Unlimit the ammo though without that cooldown.

Plasma pistol is so garbage now, there’s no point in using it.

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Only use I have for it is downing FT IN traps or finishing them once down. Also harassing their team if they try to rez

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Nerf it by making it slightly more visible

Predators primary weapon is the plasma caster

I use it for berserkers and Viking since their energy capacities are garbage that way I don’t have to waste my energy on health kits and ammo. Up close it’s not bad and it’s pretty good for stealth but it’s virtually useless aside from that especially against a good team since its DPS is also garbage.

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How I feel with the HHPC sometimes.




I would say only spear gun. We don’t need more trash melee weapons 😐

I could see those spears being combistick variants, not new weapons.

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IMO it should be reworked so it can be used the way bow is used right now. Close range spamming shots. Bow should be more of a long ranged stealth weapon and not a close range spamming weapon.

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