Hard core hunt

@OldKingHamlet I’m not sure how many decisions you make for this game and if this is out of your control I’m sorry for asking but could it be possible to add the Hard Core Hunt Mode that’s available in private match’s to also become an option for public match’s.

That was the original idea, actually, but queues were kinda chunky then and we didn’t want to split the player base between queues. That’s why Hardcore Hunt has full XP awards. Though, it also does help to play this with friends, as if you got a COD Bro or two, then your team could get trashed quick.


Okay, thanks for the response.

Can we get a janky rotating Event mode/Community playlist?

Make it available on weekends. Ppl normal Queuing on weekends be damned.


To be quite honest, you could just replace Causal Hunt with Hardcore and pretty much the entire community would thank you.

Just saying.


Yeah most people don’t have a list of friends with this game, try to make publics better


Or maybe work on your social skills NERD

I said friends playing THIS game you fagaloo


SMX brings up a good point though, not everyone has a list of friends to play the game or have consistent schedules to get a game together. Having this option would remedy this issue and address those who wish for a more hardcore challenge.

Only change I would ask if this ever goes to pubs is to add back Reinforcements only so that it doesn’t deter players too much from the mode. Sometimes slip ups happen and I don’t mind this option for everyone to have.

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Hey you cant say that say you’re sorry!



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The worlds not ready for Hamlet putting 2 people back on the game to manage a rotational redemption arc




He is a humble fellow on his honest shovelware grind. We can level with him.

Are you saying there’s more than 3 people at illfonic? Yknow they fired the cat right? I think I heard it was because she went on some racist political rant with really extreme sexual remarks about minorities. Ironic, she kept all the fun to herself.

Unfortunately, the game needs to be split into at least two queues: Rookies and Experienced.
Right now 99% of my matches are 2-3 newbies with xp perk and 0-200 damage. When 3 experienced players come across once, then there is always a beginner or a child on the side of the predator. Apart from being boring, this is also one of the imbalance stones.

The game needs some kind of equivalent of ranking points, which are based on personal performance in combat. For human and predator separately. For example, for damage over 1000, the rank will increase, for 500-1000 it will increase a little, and for 0-500 it will decrease. Thus, players with a similar skill will play in the same queue.
Or the simplest way to split into a queues of levels 1-100 and 100+. But the disadvantage of this solution is that players who leveled up only on FT to 100 will not be able to play well as a predator against lvl100+ team.

As for the new modes. Here it’s not necessary to make a separate queue, you can follow the example of Halo.
The host creates a game with his modifiers, this game appears in the list of tiles. That list can be located on the general Choose Gamemode page or on a new one that will open by clicking on Custom Modes. The others players can see the name of the mode and how many people are already in the lobby. Clicking on a tile will take the player to a lobby similar to a private match, where he can see a list of modifiers. The host can start the game with an incomplete team, then a new player can join the game right during the match, replacing the bot.

A more motley version with a modifiers button that will show a list of changes.

No one is going to be playing this game in July and beyond

It’s the interesting dichotomy. There’s a hardcore community built of the best, and a large number of people playing the game on a much more casual level. I don’t think we’d replace the current base hunt. This request request for a pub queue for Hardcore Hunt is something I do have documented.

Well, let’s be real here, the current base Hunt is really just not fun to play as compared to Hardcore for many reasons that have already been explained in crystal clear detail.

If not a replacement, then just add that Hardcore Hunt Playlist locked off to at least Level 100 or above Players that has an incentive to play it like boosted rewards would be the best answer to your dichotomy. You could even remove Clash if it worries everyone there so much. No one plays Clash at all and there is no reason to play Clash.

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I literally saw a 30 minute wait for a clash match.

My point exactly.

And whenever you do get a Clash Match, the victory is decided on which team has the most Dante - Explosives or Sniper FT with half decent accuracy with Hit Scan Sniper Rifles.

A separation between Queues is not a problem, and even if it is for workload or space or whatever, you can remove the Clash gamemode with absolutely no negative consequences at all.

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