Has anybody done this as the Predator?

It takes zero guts to play as a coward by only playing in a party all star team of genade spamming forum parasites.

It takes zero intelligence to sound like you



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@JoeHollywood2011 is one of the most intelligent players this world has ever witnessed and plus he’s a good kid

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Then truly I must be blinded by his brilliance. My smooth brain is dumbstruck trying to understand his skill.

Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve played regularly so maybe the definition of “good” has changed since then.

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I wasn’t playing in a “party” my guy. I was with three randoms.

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GG the other day lol


2 support field medic + dante ugh.


Did you fight the hackers? I notice you’re an invincible predator around here

@Samhain13 Yeah that’s what I thought when I loaded in as the Predator😂

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Ggwp sir

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Whenever I see a field medic I just see faster stealth kills lol


i feel that

You’re the alpha sir, they all will fear you

You low IQ monkeys rush games and spend more time waiting for games as predator. And you suck each others dck with a “GG” which for you is Gay Gamer. I get 18,000 as the predator. Now you faggotts will respond with a reflection of your low IQ maximum ability to process logic. But in the end, I’m the fastest to achieve all trophies, unlock everything, and reach level 999. Anything else is one game at a time meaningless garbage involving losers in life try hards that are all in the same friend group that obsess everything about this game but accomplishes nothing while you literately watch me accomplish it.

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Not hard with xp perk

Most of us got plat last year, if not shortly after release when things were very different


Again, not hard with xp perk. Most players don’t care about xp because it means nothing and no one can see it… yet.

I’m a doctor, and it sounds to me like you’re trying to prove yourself in a game that’s exploitable from both sides in a way that you can feel unbeatable amongst the common pedestrian. You should offer challenges if you’re going to gloat.

I have, as a man, and none have come forth for I have racism and mongolian throat singing at my disposal. I am repugnant, and feared. You are dismissable and foolish.

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You’ll be lvl 999 and still be trash. But don’t worry I’ll take you out every time.