Hate to be negative already but

Here I am not taking my own advice. I’m not gonna argue with you cause right now you’re riding the high of “there’s something new” so if you’re happy with it enjoy it. We’ll talk about it after you’ve cooled down and really taken in what just got released

Sure, man.

Also, muahaha 😈

We’ll discuss the mode in like 2 days lol

True it blows ass and destroyed any chance of a comeback. As i always say good fucking job illfonic.


Definitely an oof. Unfortunately it’s too late now for it to matter they have made a lot of money on this poorly thought out game.

100%. It’s a run and gun, which works for fireteam but for the other side? Not so much

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Yeah ya know what I don’t think of when I think “predator” a death match in the jungle where he’s helping out some marines but also fighting another predator and killing other marines hahaha I mostly think uhhh hunting?

And before anyone says “well then you have a mode called hunt!” Ok cool dudes but I’d like more than one mode too hahahah just cause y’all release a WACK ass new mode doesn’t mean 90 percent of your player base should be screwed into never getting more than one mode cause they think this is stupid

There will be more modes though? We already know the name of the next one.

New map is awesome by the way.

Sweet can’t wait until then. Lol

Yes. After people are promoted to Predators, it becomes 3FT+1Pred vs 3FT+1Pred. Can get kinda crazy.

Can’t comment on speculation, unfortunately :( Sucks but I have rules I have to follow.

Independent of that, there’s cool stuff in the pipe. And the new map is pretty damn fun. I was serious when I said it would change up the game for both sides :p


I feel i went from, welp. Not for me but oh well. To fuck I hate this real quick hahah let me specify I’m not mad at anyone for having fun and enjoying it hahah like that’s awesome. Just not for me. And I just thought it was a strange addition but if you like it more power to you

And my comments aren’t a knock on anyone’s work either. They do work I never could, I hope everyone else enjoys the game aswell just I don’t and anytime I was enjoying it it would freeze or lag like crazy

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I know you’re busy and stuff but if you have the time can you just tell me if the new map has missions for the hunt game mode? Or is it exclusive to the new mode?

There’s missions on the new map and it’s playable in Hunt.


For what i have played… i played on new map too… its technically also new missions… scattered around.

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As slasher said above. But the new map’s pretty fun too for both sides: Predator players will have to juggle up their tactics to take advantage of the new environment without being trapped in a FT killzone.


I know its probs too much to ask… but if you haven’t already could u check out my post about upcoming mode if devs plan to work on one, my idea would be probably good lol so people get back to normal and not get triggered XD

here is the link btw, if u have seen it then don’t mind replying if u didn’t like the idea :P

Cool thanks for the quick response

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U literally are a hater man…just leave the game already Lol

IllFonic don’t need fake people like u