Heres an idea illfonic make a comment before everyone walks

Tbh for now i only want minor fixes and tweaks, i dont think this team is capable of anything more than that. Minor fixes that removes alot of the frustration.

And ofc the queuetimes, they are what will truly kill this game if it doesnt get fixed.

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There’s only one mode in Dead by Daylight. That seems to be doing fine. I’m not worried about the modes. I’d like some sort of offline mode or what have you, but this is fine. For now. I do want more maps and cosmetics though, but I feel that’s coming sooner rather than later.

And that’s likely, just prob won’t be next week at least not for console. Sony has like a 2 week review process. And even then, 2 weeks to gather feedback on changes they’d like to make and bugs that need to be fixed isn’t much time, not to mention implementing those changes.

Que times are absolutely getting better though. I think que times for Pred might remain a bit high and there’s high demand for the role and only one can be used at a time. Last night for me it was about 5 min wait for Pred and under a min wait for FT.

I’m starting to think you u like to hear yourself talk?

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The queuetimes might be better, but i cant be sure tbh. Fastest i got was 6 minutes the last time i played, and i queued up for maybe 10 matches, they all went way past 8 minutes on average. Thats too long, hope they are fixing that hard right now.

My biggest issue are the PC controls and some of the balancing, the Predator struggles now with so many using the “best” tactics, it gets annoying to play him and in all my last matches i kleep getting hunted down, its just not how i pictured this to be. Hope they can turn it around somehow, but im taking a break from it for now.

Dont talk to him, please. Ignore him.

He is human bile, when people start writing nasty shit like that, they should be blacklisted and ignored immediatly by everyone, period.

Don’t engage in that garbage.


Everybody’s opinion matters about this game no one’s opinion is better than the other we all need to except that we all need to come together and make the game better this isn’t a place to talk trash

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No i just think the video game industry has become a joke, and am tired of buying games that are still in early development marketed as a complete game.
This is not a game and feel someone needs to speak up.
Or we keep getting massive let down games that could have been something but arent.
Dayz comes to mind thinking of how this game is right now.

True, some people see critique as “whining” and that causes alot of conflicts. Whining is feedback too, so yeah.

Here’s my concern tho…we can all write the best ideas, best feedback, buglists, etc etc…but is Illfonic taking it in?

We dont know, and that is frsutrating for all of us. They are the most silent developers i have ever seen.

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Dayz is wonderful that had its ups n downs an its great very popular game indeed

Yeah even though it’s been more than 48 hours it’s still enough time to at least say something doesn’t have to be a big announcement just anything

And its still not a complete game its still game breaking bugs vehicles dont even work and the modded games are the only ones tolerable.
Thats dayz you want every game like that?

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Just a simple we are hearing the feedback and we’re taking into consideration that would make more than enough people happy just a thought of them acknowledge in US is all we need


Urukai you cant silence me because my veiws dont align with yours.
Stalin wannabe

Yeah i dont think developers know the real value of just that tiny little bit of info, just that quick “Hey guys, we are reading your feedback and are making adjustements, stay tuend for more info soon!” and BOOM…everyone in here becomes friends.

Except for that tumor that responds to you to write to me…for some reason, i dont know, actually kind of funny. And scary.


What now im the things we dont speak of? Grow up lilttle boy.
You want to picture me as the badguy cuz i made a comment in bad taste boohoo.
My points are valid grow a spine and thicker skin what is this elementary school…eeew dont talk to him.
Your a clown.

I love the sound of silence.

Goodnight peoples, tear some Fireteams up for me.

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Aight bro take it easy

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Your moma is so fat so when Predator tried to hang he on a tree, a tree fell down.
Your moma is so ugly so when Arnold saw Predator removing mask after meeting her, he stayed silent.

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If predators moma was a video game shed be rated E for everyone